Part 2 Bruce but not King Robert

James and
Eliza with their two children are out of
their manse banned from the house living in a cave in Ayrshire . A Highlander
Mr MacDuff had been placed in the parish to replace Rev Bruce. One September
evening Rev Bruce his wife and children
left their Cave to meet some of the church in the wild Ayrshire glen. Bruce had
arrived to deliver a sermon based on Ps 23. He spoke for a time and encouraged
the flock in as much as “ even though I walk through the shadow of death, yet I
will fear no evil. For thou art with me : thy rod and thy staff they comfort me…”
he expanded on the passage bringing out other parts of the old testament to
back his comments. As he finished his sermon he mentioned that Presbyterians
would have more persecution and the house of Stuart for some time, had wanted
control over the church. The little congregation sang again and just before Bruce
was going to dismiss the congregation there was a sudden trampling of horses
lighted torches shown and a few dragoons arrived. This was so unexpected; the
small group had not even put out a watch person.

The spies
who had informed the soldiers left and the commanding officer ordered the
firing of carbines into the flight of the poor people. Without checking the
result of this work the soldiers turned and rode off.
people were hurt but Mrs Bruce “received a mortal wound”. “I am gone” she said
while her husband caught her in his arms to keep her from falling. !I am killed
I must leave you”. She indicated some final instructions before she died in his
arms. Son Andrew threw himself on the ground in silence and his sister shrieked
and took hold of the body.
After a time
and weeping the group considered what to do. Andrew Indicated to his father
that they could not stay in the glen.
They decided
to take the body to a neighbour’s house. Rev Bruce wanted to bury the body,-
but it would not be possible to do so in
the church yard. For if he appeared he would surely be captured. Andrew consoles
his father by indicating that it does not matter where their bodies are laid. It was decided that they would bury the
body the next day.
The next day
after making a coffin of sorts a group of about 20 gathered in the dark of the
evening near where she had been killed in the glen. After the burial and a
short tearful sermon about continuing to follow God Rev Bruce Andrew and his
sister went back to the cave for rest.
These events
were not isolated events but regular and frequent in the west of Scotland. Many
battles took place and in Ayrshire MacDuff had a real hatred for Rev Bruce and complained that Bruce was preventing the people
in that quarter from complying with the established form of worship. Two spies
were on the payroll to find Bruce and a reward of considerable amount was available
for his capture. Rev Bruce still in the area managed to avoid capture and
carryout some pastoral care of his flock.
afternoon young Andrew was out walking, and his father and sister were “at home
“ in the cave. A group of soldiers with Macduff out for sport and killing wild
fowl came across Andrew. As was the case in meeting anyone they required him to
take the test and confirm acceptance of the new authority of the Church and
renounce the previous ( presbyterian) way. Without hesitation he refused. The
refusal in terms of the law was that the soldiers were authorised to shoot the
young man on the spot.
While he was
dressed as a peasant they remarked that he had “ a fine manner and speech” that
the soldiers considered he must be the son of a gentleman- so maybe they could
force some money from the family. With that in mind they spared him and took as
a prisoner to the village. Andrew had not given way as to his family but as he
reach the village the locals shouted, “Will you murder the son of our dear
minister?” With Macduff finding this news He said to the group leader of the
soldiers “we have made good sport today.” “We shall now get on the scent of the
old fox”.
Now having
confessed to being the son of Rev Bruce he was locked in the Church. He
considered his position and after thinking through the situation was able to
trust in his God for the outcome.
Now a
shepherd had seen the events in the village and gone back to Rev Bruce and his daughter, Mary, to tell the
tale. Mary wept for her brother as if he were already dead. Mr Bruce feared the
worst, but he knew that Andrew would not renounce his faith. The following day
the soldiers and government representatives with Macduff tried to have the boy Andrew renounce his
faith. But in all that had happened Andrew had become stronger in his reliance
to his God. Now with torture by way of thumbscrew
Andrew did not yield.
With father
hoping to see his son, he was dissuaded by young Mary, as it would most likely
be a trap. One of the soldiers had during this time dressed as a peasant with
the hope of infiltrating the villagers to get both Bruce and the reward.
In the following
days, the hanging of the boy, the death of his sister in seeing the trauma and
the capture of the Rev Bruce in a cave all lead to this horrible story. On
finding the Rev Bruce he was asked to renounce the faith as was, and to commit
to the new Episcopalian way with the leader being the King Charles. He refused.
When the soldiers were instructed to shot Rev Bruce they refused, and this resulted in the commanding officer grabbing
a gun and shooting Rev Bruce in the chest.
It is very
easy for matters to grow and become a greater responsibility. When dictatorship
becomes an evil and when liberties are stifled.
The Scottish Government should take heed as they put through the bill
for Scotland known as Hate Crime Bill
2020 with good intentions this bill may raise evil and show human nature at its
worst. The Hate Crime and Public Order (Scotland) Bill aims to update
existing laws for protected characteristics such as disability, race, religion,
sexual orientation, and transgender identity. Whilst the bill is
still being adjusted there is a sense of threat to freedom of speech. The bill
itself is designed to stop hatred but its premise will do just the opposite and
create hatred.