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Showing posts with label Money. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Money. Show all posts

Friday, 15 May 2020

Buy British Again!?

Recent comment on facebook regarding the economy is worth considering in light of the economic downturn.

Virus costs on overdraft

Right, first of all without being political any borrowing by the government will need to be repaid or at least, reduced by taxes or the ability to balance the books and repay the debt.

Thinking it through

We feel it for those in businesses who are picking up the threads of their time and energy and bring it back to a sustainable entity once again.
Those businesses, for whatever reason, that did not have a sutable "reserve policy" will have found the situation more challenging.

So what are the steps to have a vibrant economy and self sustaining business growing?

taken 10.30 14/5/2020 last six month trend

Speed of money circulating

One aspect is the " multiplier" effect.
This is the speed of money moving around the economy.
Now it still holds good even with electronic money rather than hard cash.

The speed at which we move money has an impact on the community.
I get paid,  I buy a loaf, the baker buys stationery for his buiness, the Office retailer buys meat from the butcher and the butcher buys a loaf of bread.

The speed of buying is controlled by lots of things.
Having the cash!, Assessing the need to buy now, quality quantity and price all come into the equation. Its the assessment of the buyer to part with money rather than have it holding for a rainy day or a lower borrowing.

Taken at 10.30 14/5/2020 Daily trend

So if the public are feeling secure and confident they are more likely to buy.
One observstions of the last major resession was that people tended to continue to eat out. This is unlikely after the current virus as people assess the risks of eating out. perhaps home decorating will take a lift. Or perhaps car purchases will regain as people refuse to go on public transport.

So if you think about it, if we are all buying then the sellers will buy and so on, which will in turn help the flow of cash and the "muliplier" will increase.
As an aside when there is a faster rate of sales the VAT for the government will increase ( pay the debt?)

So buying and keeping the money in the community is a good way if improving sustainability.

Buy British again
This is where the Buy British makes sense we buy "locally" and the benefit not only to the purchaser but the seller is all local. As the multiplier works, confidence continues revenue comes in- we pay the debt.

At some point we as a nation can consider the selling abroad as part of the medium trend but for present buy British makes sense. I appreciate that there are some items that we will need to import and we have businesses where all their revenue comes from abroad. (There is also the Brexit ramifications- Buy British will help?)

Please Share!
Thank you

Monday, 24 September 2018

The Money Charity September figures

  • £19.97: The fall in Debt growth per adult in June
  • £58,658: Average total debt per UK household in July 2018
  • £32,220: Average student debt for 2016 cohort in England
  • £227.94: Increase in consumer credit, per adult in the UK, in the year to July 2018
  • 94%: First-time buyer deposit, as percent of average salary, in July 2018
  • 0.2%: Average interest rate on instant access savings account in July 2018
  • 18.35%: Average credit card interest rate in July 2018
  • 34%: Proportion of income, including benefits, spent on rent by private renters
  • - 0.5%: Change in house prices in August 2018 according to Nationwide
  • - £31 billion: Change in Public Sector Net Debt (excluding debt to Bank of England) in the year to July 2018

Thursday, 7 June 2018

Catch up

I am pleased that many are revisiting this blog and I can see there are many new folks coming across from facebook.  Thank you. Please subscribe to this blog and the U tube channel as it is my intention to provide more video snippets in due course.

What you can expect is a mixture of history, facts, church information, faith comments, Also music, Bass, Vehicles, Alpacas ( knew that) Tiny house, camper van,worship, Land rover,Highland stuff and connections, Baptist stuff, Christian stuff and maybe even ...the state of the nation, food  and poverty. I highlight channels and products and other sites be it blogs or websites.  

My u tube channel is here. Brians u Tube channel

Tuesday, 15 May 2018

The Money Charity latest figures May 2018

The latest figures from The Money Charity...

Striking numbers 
  • 114.4%: The average debt to income ratio per adult in the UK.
  • £123,870: The outstanding mortgage debt per mortgaged household.
  • 90: The amount of LINK cash machine transactions per second in April 2018.
  • 0%: The stagnation in First Time Buyer house prices in February.
  • £49mThe fall in Public Sector Net Debt per day in 2018.
  • 0.1%: The estimated growth in GDP in Q1 2018 - the lowest growth since Q4 2012.
  • 9.614mThe amount of workers auto enrolled in workplace pension schemes in April.
  • 3.1%The fall in house prices across the UK on last month according to Halifax.
  • £58,240: The average total debt per household (including mortgages).