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The Quaker movement in Scotland can trace its roots back further than 1696. In 1650 there were Quakers in Leith, Edinburgh meeting for worship. In 1696 the biggest Quaker meeting was in Kinmuck, North West of Aberdeen near Blackburn. Meetings were held in Scotland from 1653 with George Fox paying visits to Glasgow Edinburgh Perth Fife and the Highlands in 1657. Robert Barclay(1648-1690) is one unsung original theologian who is recognised more abroad than his home country of Scotland. Born Aberdeen he became a Quaker at the age of 18 after a visit to his father in Edinburgh. With his connections in London he became governor of the colony of East Jersey in the USA, yet never went there and through his mothers side- a Stewart he had access to the future King James VIII ( James, Edward or III if you like!). It would have been interesting discussions. James, Catholic - Barclay, Quaker. Barclay was the first and only systematic exposition of Quaker theology, "Apology for the true Christian Divinity"