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Showing posts with label and Inghamites. Show all posts
Showing posts with label and Inghamites. Show all posts

Wednesday, 4 July 2018

What can we learn from breaking Glas!

So from the post a few days ago What can we learn from John Glas?

In his endeavours to find God in the Bible he reviews all his thinking and that of his peers and denomination. As he seeks to find "truth the real truth he encounters a different opinion. There is nothing wrong with a difference of opinion is there? Some like the colour Purple some like Red others Green! In the search for a Colour one can come across a new shade.

So John Glas, prayerfully checks his understanding of what he is reading and what he sees and hears around. his look in  the book of Acts brings him to see that he and the Church are missing out in aspects and work that should be done.  Many new revivals/awakening have come from earnest prayer and seeking to find the truth or re find truth. for every person there could be a separate interpretation

 Take a town or city there could be several Churches in the place each with a different outlook , each being taught a different way or Gods leading being different. It doesn't make it wrong it means God is more powerful and in control to "allow" this to operate.

As Glas found inconsistencies with the Church of Scotland and what he found in the New Testament, he led a church movement that would be governed by the simple order in the New Testament rather than by human councils and synods. His deep research concluded that the Kingdom of Christ is Spiritual! The introduction of a feast, simple meal (broth and bread),the Kiss and feet washing. His "influence" on rediscovery has made an impact in many denominations and churches such as

Scotch Baptist, Church of Christs, Brethern, Community church, Scottish Baptists, Old Scots independents, Haldaneites, Disciples, Walkerites,and Inghamites...

 Can we sum up

  • Prayerfully look to an understanding
  • Take recognition of others opinions but strife to find the right understanding
  • Revisit book of Acts and ask what is working in todays Church?
  • Take care when "control"  takes over and stumbles others
  • Do we need to instigate more basic feasts in our church as a sign of care and community?
  • The Kingdom of Christ is spiritual!


 Clyde Reid, in his law of religious evasion, states:

 "we structure our churches and maintain them, so as to shield us from God, and to protect us from genuine religious experience".
 he continues...
" Adult members of Churches today, rarely raise serious religious questions for fear of revealing their doubts, or being thought of as strange."