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Showing posts with label Pastors challenges. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pastors challenges. Show all posts

Saturday, 18 August 2018

Needs of the Ministry , Pastors, Bishops and organisational leaders

Lauder hills last weekend.

It can be a lonely path

Those in ministry may relate to this in a way and also those in faith based organisations. It can be a lonely path!

There are challenges, disappointments, distractions, evil obstacles and personal tests all to be negotiated while looking after others. The positive aspects can be drowned in self afflictions come  from all corners and from nowhere to test the leader. I am about to join an organisation that is working to support in relationships those in leadership to help them work through little and big challenges in a prayerful manner. Please come back in a few weeks when i will tell you more and where you might help me. as well as covering those life crises we hope to provide support to reduce the risk of these crises coming around.  

Have a good weekend.