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Showing posts with label Golspie. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Golspie. Show all posts

Wednesday, 18 July 2018

"The Mannie" under fire (*)

Fire fighting teams over the last few weeks have been dousing fires above Golspie. The fires could have been started due to the dry weather...some suggest it could be something more sinister. The Duke of Sutherland has always had a a mixed reception here in Sutherland. In fact over the years there has been signs of the monument being tampered with in a bid to fall the statue which can be seen for miles around- almost all of East Sutherland.  It stands as a reminder of the Dukes work... for others a reminder of the Highland clearances.

Signs of bravery and pulling together has resulted in the fire being contained. We have a thought for those who are suffering from the aftermath. The smoke the smells but even more the mountain bike business that will surely suffer from this fire.

* The Mannie is the local name for the statue above Golspie raised in memory of the Duke of Sutherland by supporters, and not encouraged by local crofters.

Friday, 20 June 2008

This is the picture I am using as a desktop pic. Its Golspie in Sutherland.

Monday, 16 October 2006


Well getting files from one machine to another does take time. With all the upgrades from the internet on dial up I have lost a week nearly ten days.

Here I am after the walk, The Big Burn walk, Golspie - more relaxed.

Wednesday, 27 September 2006

Acknowledgement for a stalward...

Interesting grave stone in Golspie St Andrews church yard.
The pupils in memory of Thomas Ross - teacher at Doll and for his Christian witness to the pupils.

Wednesday, 10 May 2006

The Mound...The Mound

The Mound at "the Mound" not Edinburgh.-Taken today!

Saturday, 1 April 2006

Ben Bhraggie

Monument to the Duke of Sutherland.

A business man in Sheepfarming or possibly a nonfriendly landlord?

Golspie shoreline

The coast of Golspie Sutherland, A cloudless sky in February 2006.