Short Video near Old Gallows Road Perth.
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Showing posts with label hiland praise. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hiland praise. Show all posts
Monday, 11 May 2020
Old Gallows Road near Southton. Spring lambs.
Thursday, 21 June 2018
Scotch Baptists influence on the Disciples of Christ
I read at the weekend the pdf of the
This short paper from 1997 is a good summary of the topic.
Link to paper Scotch Baptist influence...etc
Please complete the questionnaire at the right hand side of the blog if you live in the Highlands of Scotland. Thanks.
Please come back tomorrow I have great news on the Baptists in Sutherland. Yes Sutherland.
Scotch Baptist influence on the Disciples of Christ by John Owston.
This short paper from 1997 is a good summary of the topic.
Link to paper Scotch Baptist influence...etc
Please complete the questionnaire at the right hand side of the blog if you live in the Highlands of Scotland. Thanks.
Please come back tomorrow I have great news on the Baptists in Sutherland. Yes Sutherland.
Wednesday, 20 June 2018
Census 2011 figures Are they what you expected?
The 2011 Census ( Crown copyright 2013)
Some interesting details from the individuals who responded to the religion questions on the census of 2011.
Scottish Census
Church of Scotland 1,717,871
Roman Catholic 841,053
Church of England 66,717
Baptists 26,224
Episcopalians 21,289
Methodist 10,979
Free Church of Scotland 10,896
Scottish Episcopal Church 8,048
Brethren 5,583
Salvation Army 4,100
Congregational 2,078
United Reformed Church 2,021
United Free church 1,514
Free Presbyterian 1,197
Churches of Christ 979
Church of the Nazarene 785
Apostolic 552
These are the figures for individuals marking on the census. There will be a difference from membership and attendance at the churches.
I know there has been a change since 2011, The Church of Scotland membership figures drop yearly.
I have removed some groups for convenience. ( Christadelphian, Full Gospel Assembly, Mennonite, Greek Catholic etc.)
Wednesday, 13 June 2018
Questionnaire started
Highland Questionnaire
I am delighted with the beginning of the questionnaire period. It will take a bit of time to accumulate feedback. Already had a response from south London! ( not quiet Highlands) so that comes out of the pot. It will take a few minutes, so sit down take 5, and help me gather some information.
Click here like the rest have and we can carry out the research. We need you and some other contacts.
Highland Questionnaire

Click here like the rest have and we can carry out the research. We need you and some other contacts.
Highland Questionnaire
Tuesday, 12 June 2018
Come on then, time to help me...!
Help me with the ...
Highland Scotland Questionnaire
Thank you for taking part in the questionnaire.
You should be in the Highlands of Scotland to complete this request.
Link was refreshed 11.30am 12 June 2018
Click the link below
Highland Questionnaire
Highland Scotland Questionnaire
Thank you for taking part in the questionnaire.
You should be in the Highlands of Scotland to complete this request.
Hiland Praise would like to ask you to help us with a questionnaire covering Church, Fellowship Faith building and Worship.
I am trying to ascertain the level of isolation and see what can be done
to help those in geographically isolated places in the Highlands of
Scotland. Some research was carried out some 10 years ago and I
thought it time we sought to find out what it is like now in the
You responses are private and used in an acumulative manner. If you provide your e mail address we will keep it safe and use it only as agreed. We will not share the address with any other organisation. However you should know that Google is the provider of the blog and Google forms where the questionnaire is centered and will have access to the details.
You responses are private and used in an acumulative manner. If you provide your e mail address we will keep it safe and use it only as agreed. We will not share the address with any other organisation. However you should know that Google is the provider of the blog and Google forms where the questionnaire is centered and will have access to the details.
If you have seen this questionnaire, or been sent it from more than one person we ask that you only complete it once. However please feel free to send it to others so they can take part. The more we have the better our spread of results will be.
Link was refreshed 11.30am 12 June 2018
Click the link below
Highland Questionnaire
Thursday, 7 June 2018
Catch up
I am pleased that many are revisiting this blog and I can see there are many new folks coming across from facebook. Thank you. Please subscribe to this blog and the U tube channel as it is my intention to provide more video snippets in due course.
What you can expect is a mixture of history, facts, church information, faith comments, Also music, Bass, Vehicles, Alpacas ( knew that) Tiny house, camper van,worship, Land rover,Highland stuff and connections, Baptist stuff, Christian stuff and maybe even ...the state of the nation, food and poverty. I highlight channels and products and other sites be it blogs or websites.
My u tube channel is here. Brians u Tube channel
What you can expect is a mixture of history, facts, church information, faith comments, Also music, Bass, Vehicles, Alpacas ( knew that) Tiny house, camper van,worship, Land rover,Highland stuff and connections, Baptist stuff, Christian stuff and maybe even ...the state of the nation, food and poverty. I highlight channels and products and other sites be it blogs or websites.
My u tube channel is here. Brians u Tube channel
Thursday, 10 August 2006
2 Is the Scottish Baptist principle of consensus in the business meeting a drop out for poor leadership?
Emergent church
Emergent church
Friday, 4 August 2006
The story... continues
Counter Reformation
During the middle of the 16 Century the church based in Rome sought to reunite the church. Pope Paul III continued to use of the Inquisition. It had been successful in closing Italian protestant growth.
With the Catholic counter reformation started the zeal for revival missionary work was taking a fresh hold and in particular in Spain. From the council of Trent Roman reforms were starting but not as fast or as much as the church on the ground wanted. With the Pope endorsing public interpretation of scripture, bishops preaching, and teaching taking place in parishes these were good signs of an establishing revolution by the new pope Paul IV. Dominicans and Franciscans eagerly shaped the work. But in Scotland by 1557 the first covenants (bonds) were signed by several earls and lords which declared their intention to overthrow the Roman Church.
One person who shaped Scottish Presbyterianism more than John Knox was Andrew Melville (1545-1622). After study at St Andrew's and Geneva Melville returned to Scotland in 1574 on the request of the bishop of Glasgow. As a “Charismatic” teacher who made Glasgow a city of learning , he also influenced the seats of learning in Aberdeen and Edinburgh. He for a time lectured in Oxford and Cambridge (1584) whilst he had fled from king James VI's Earl of Arran who wanted to imprison him. Melville was rector of St Andrew's between 1590-1597.
During the middle of the 16 Century the church based in Rome sought to reunite the church. Pope Paul III continued to use of the Inquisition. It had been successful in closing Italian protestant growth.
With the Catholic counter reformation started the zeal for revival missionary work was taking a fresh hold and in particular in Spain. From the council of Trent Roman reforms were starting but not as fast or as much as the church on the ground wanted. With the Pope endorsing public interpretation of scripture, bishops preaching, and teaching taking place in parishes these were good signs of an establishing revolution by the new pope Paul IV. Dominicans and Franciscans eagerly shaped the work. But in Scotland by 1557 the first covenants (bonds) were signed by several earls and lords which declared their intention to overthrow the Roman Church.
One person who shaped Scottish Presbyterianism more than John Knox was Andrew Melville (1545-1622). After study at St Andrew's and Geneva Melville returned to Scotland in 1574 on the request of the bishop of Glasgow. As a “Charismatic” teacher who made Glasgow a city of learning , he also influenced the seats of learning in Aberdeen and Edinburgh. He for a time lectured in Oxford and Cambridge (1584) whilst he had fled from king James VI's Earl of Arran who wanted to imprison him. Melville was rector of St Andrew's between 1590-1597.
Tuesday, 11 July 2006
The Story continues
Early in the sixteenth century reformation was taking place in Europe. Luther was giving account as to his thoughts and writings. Between 1532 and 1533 Calvin experienced a sudden conversion. His Institutes were published in 1536. He recognised two sacraments Baptism and The lords Supper. In 1537 he declared the ordnances that Christ had instituted in the church four offices Pastor, Teacher, Elder and Deacon". A new Catechism was prepared and he found himself in the biggest struggle (1548-1555) as the people of Geneva felt swamped by all the Ârefugees from Europe gathered in the city.
For Scotland, in the beginning of that century it was still a poor and backward country. Smarting from the defeats of Flodden (1513) Solwaymoss (1542) Pinkie (1547) it found itself still not under the control of England. Both England and France were keen to build relations with Scotland to out win the other. The Douglas family favoured England the Hamiltons -France.
Protestant beginnings started with Patrick Hamilton. Cardinal Beaton and the French put up a strong "holding work" for the Catholic Church. George Wishart (1513-1546) was burned by Cardinal Beaton on 2 March 1546. on the 29 of may Beaton in revenge for Wishart was brutally murdered and his wife fled to Fife. (yes he had a wife). 1547 saw a hunted protestant preacher and friend of Wishart become their spiritual leader, John Knox Scottish reformation hero.
Early in the sixteenth century reformation was taking place in Europe. Luther was giving account as to his thoughts and writings. Between 1532 and 1533 Calvin experienced a sudden conversion. His Institutes were published in 1536. He recognised two sacraments Baptism and The lords Supper. In 1537 he declared the ordnances that Christ had instituted in the church four offices Pastor, Teacher, Elder and Deacon". A new Catechism was prepared and he found himself in the biggest struggle (1548-1555) as the people of Geneva felt swamped by all the Ârefugees from Europe gathered in the city.
For Scotland, in the beginning of that century it was still a poor and backward country. Smarting from the defeats of Flodden (1513) Solwaymoss (1542) Pinkie (1547) it found itself still not under the control of England. Both England and France were keen to build relations with Scotland to out win the other. The Douglas family favoured England the Hamiltons -France.
Protestant beginnings started with Patrick Hamilton. Cardinal Beaton and the French put up a strong "holding work" for the Catholic Church. George Wishart (1513-1546) was burned by Cardinal Beaton on 2 March 1546. on the 29 of may Beaton in revenge for Wishart was brutally murdered and his wife fled to Fife. (yes he had a wife). 1547 saw a hunted protestant preacher and friend of Wishart become their spiritual leader, John Knox Scottish reformation hero.
Tuesday, 25 April 2006
The story...Part Five

Christianity came to Scotland early with "Bishop" Ninian returning from Rome around 397 to Strathclyde to establish a monastery. From the "Candida Casa" monastery he moved northward through the great glens reaching Caithness and Sutherland, some say even reaching Orkney, he and Kentigern (Mungo) creating pockets of followers. It was Colmba of Iona who united the scattered clans into a Church and nation. By 563 Colmba had moved from Ireland and set up a base on Iona for the spreading of the Christian word to the peoples of the mainland, thus creating Monastic lines for 200 years.
Monday, 17 April 2006
To engage!
What we are about!
To engage and mobilise the Christians -
Where they are in the Highlands.
Increase Highland Christian worship and praise.
To be a catalyst for Churches to move on and develop towards maturity.
To engage and mobilise the Christians -
Where they are in the Highlands.
Increase Highland Christian worship and praise.
To be a catalyst for Churches to move on and develop towards maturity.
Some solutions .....
Hyperspace presence
Varied entry
Restricted secure level
User friendly
Constantly updated forum
Platform for encouragement
Physical presence
Church services
Church reviews
Mini concerts
1/2 week road shows
Formation groups
Fresh plans
Varied entry
Restricted secure level
User friendly
Constantly updated forum
Platform for encouragement
Physical presence
Church services
Church reviews
Mini concerts
1/2 week road shows
Formation groups
Fresh plans
Hi-land P-raise ...about
A Highland community engaged in worship and praise and the Church developing into maturity.
To act as a revival catalyst to the Church in developing worship and praise in an appropriate way relative to the Highlands.
January 2006
Monday, 3 April 2006
The story....Part three
The requirements for a developing church will be seen as you read on but in the meantime let me tell you what to expect from the pages before you go deeper. A look at the Church and its parts that have had an impact in Scotland. One thing is true the Church will only grow if God blesses it. A whistle stop tour of some denominations to ascertain a little understanding of why they were the way they were and are what they are and what might happen. A glimpse of what might be? And a note of certain conditions that might speed the work of the Church in Scotland in an age where the relevance seems to have been kicked out of touch!
If I prompt you to read further, debate, and If I inspire you to do something more concrete then, great. However these snapshots of histories and comments are to help you affirm your understanding and if you are new to Church life, provide a document that might serve to cover some of the questions about where the church is and where it is or might go in the future. I cannot take any responsibility for errors, and any offence that one individual or corporate group might have from reading this book, is not my intention.
Saturday, 1 April 2006
The story....Part two
What to expect
I have seen many Independent constitutions over the years and one thing that sticks out is the wording in these constitutions tells us of the fears of the founders and how they would write into the founding documents a safeguard for the organisation or more strongly a case for allowing or more specifically not allowing certain things to take place with in the constituted organisation.
One thing about history is clear, soon after any research one can discover that many people were fervent for a cause! Something that is not so clear in human nature these days is that drive for the cause. We are keen to defend the rights of ailing animals, so they will not suffer yet we have other more pressing needs that seem to be deflected or ignored. The Church in the nation and its catalytic place in turning the nation to worship.
I would urge you to look at the Church, and in particular the Church in Scotland and to conclude your findings in the light of my thoughts.
Sir John Sinclair Statistical Account
Don't expect a summary as concise or detailed as Sir John's account from the late 18 century. This record has greatly been of benefit to historians giving a detailed local snapshot of the area and including the church. It would be an enormous task too try and emulate the information collecting and documenting in these days even if the locals were to cooperate with the answers and provide the information.
One thing is true the Church will only grow if God blesses the work, and the people respond to the calling to integrate with the nation's people. The lessons of being set apart from the world is a spiritual walk not a call for us all to become monks.
I have seen many Independent constitutions over the years and one thing that sticks out is the wording in these constitutions tells us of the fears of the founders and how they would write into the founding documents a safeguard for the organisation or more strongly a case for allowing or more specifically not allowing certain things to take place with in the constituted organisation.
One thing about history is clear, soon after any research one can discover that many people were fervent for a cause! Something that is not so clear in human nature these days is that drive for the cause. We are keen to defend the rights of ailing animals, so they will not suffer yet we have other more pressing needs that seem to be deflected or ignored. The Church in the nation and its catalytic place in turning the nation to worship.
I would urge you to look at the Church, and in particular the Church in Scotland and to conclude your findings in the light of my thoughts.
Sir John Sinclair Statistical Account
Don't expect a summary as concise or detailed as Sir John's account from the late 18 century. This record has greatly been of benefit to historians giving a detailed local snapshot of the area and including the church. It would be an enormous task too try and emulate the information collecting and documenting in these days even if the locals were to cooperate with the answers and provide the information.
One thing is true the Church will only grow if God blesses the work, and the people respond to the calling to integrate with the nation's people. The lessons of being set apart from the world is a spiritual walk not a call for us all to become monks.
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