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Showing posts with label Shakers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Shakers. Show all posts

Tuesday, 17 April 2018

Mrs Buchan not Simpson

Mrs Buchan Elspeth Simpson daughter of John and Margaret Simpson was born in Banff-shire in 1739 in the parish of Fordyce. Her mother died when she was about three years old. Elspeth was brought up in hard situations. She was a herdswomen but did not like the work. As a girl she was allowed to run wild and spoke of seeing visions. A local relative tried to take her under her wing and taught her home skills like sewing and reading. The plan was to go to America with her cent husband and Elspeth to work in the plantations of Jamaica. Having spent some time in Greenock waiting for the appropriate ship the bored girl found the new life of the docks and city interesting and fun. She found her self in Ayr and fell in love with and ”married” Robert Buchan a potter. After having several children the couple moved to Glasgow allowing Robert to work at the Delftfield potteries. Elspeth managed to gain employment with the wife of one of the business partners of the pottery. Robert was ashamed of Elspeth's loose ways and thought that moving to Elspeth roots might help them regain some stability as a couple. They moved to Banff and set up their own pottery business. … be continued.

 Ann Lee (1736-1784) “Shakers”