ga('set', 'userId', 'USER_ID'); // Set the user ID using signed-in user_id.
Showing posts with label Belonging. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Belonging. Show all posts

Thursday, 20 August 2020

Apple operating system

There have been two recent updates to the operating system of Apple. We are now on version 13.6.1

This was a small update to fix.

A green tint on screen due to thermal management issues

Some system files not being deleted when the storage was low

Exposure notifications disabled for some users as it relates to apps that need it like the Covid -19 type.

I dont know the name of this plant?

To get updates which are set as automatic or to see which version you are on go to Settings/general/Software updates .

Here you will see the update version currently in use.

Updates are down overnight when you are plugged in to the mains. ( There is a fear that a disaster would happen if battery was flat during an update!)


This update refers to I pads and I phones.

Wednesday, 9 May 2018

How are you going to build your church?

Fulfilling the Will of GOD in the community.

A look at how a Church might implement its agreed mission in this changing world.

For many Churches, the process of discovering themselves and implementing their desire to follow God is a hard one.

This is caused by many different distraction as diverse as members not “buying in” to the mission, conflict of time use,- be it work or family or worthwhile causes. Mankind creates a busyness that stifles the Work of God in the community. This is seen so often in the activities of organisations and they view expressed in actions ...” I am busy therefore I am important and needed”.

This expression comes from the wish from most people who have a sense and need “to belong”.

The early church had that sense of belonging meeting regularly to share in meals. Whilst life seems more complex in this decade the sense of belonging is still important. If leadership could harness the sense of belonging and gifting of their flock the work would be easier and perhaps move on quicker to complete the plan to fulfil the purpose of the community known as “such and such” church.
Part of the challenges after agreeing how the community should be, is the method and structure of such, I hesitate to say, an organisation that has control yet flexible to the changing needs of the community and its people.