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Showing posts with label Willard. Formation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Willard. Formation. Show all posts

Sunday, 14 October 2018

Visit to Barter Books and not the first time! Reformation was fairly costly.

Took some time out at Alnwick on our way back from Harrogate last week.  "Barter books" is a book shop with several years of upgrading and innovative work in selling books and providing a shelter for readers and those who just want a change from the daily routine. It is based in the railway station. Apart from a bit of lunch we never bought anything. I could have.! Saw this book with its price tag near the other book keenly priced. 

For today's reflection 

Its simple. Consider any book that has had an impact on you r thinking, life and or outlook.
The book could be Harry Potter, Clockwork Orange, Pride and Prejudice or a business book.

What was it that triggered the alertness?
is it still valid? ...Or is it superseded by later events and readings.

 Now what book in the Bible are you avoiding which might want to talk to you or minister to you.>?

Have you read...The Divine Conspiracy by Dallas Willard and considered his pointers to live in heaven now ! on earth.

Actually I read the following some years ago and thought it A WONDERFUL STATEMENT.

"The aim of God in History is the formation of an all-inclusive community of loving persons with God himself included in the community as its prime Sustained and most glorious Inhabitant."

-The Renovare Spiritual Formation Bible.