ga('set', 'userId', 'USER_ID'); // Set the user ID using signed-in user_id.
Showing posts with label goto meetings. Show all posts
Showing posts with label goto meetings. Show all posts

Monday, 3 September 2018

Multi user video calls across continents, how easy on a Friday night?

With Windows 10  1803 update for 2018 08 available this week (KB4346783) I, while it downloaded and installed, started to consider the difficulties I had had last week.

Trying to have a video chat with more than 6 people including different continents turned out to be more of a challenge that first considered.

Skype claims 10 users possible
facebook messenger  (!?)
Google hang out 10
oovoo 12
Facetime is still generally one to one, but a version of Apples IOS ( 12) manages multi users. issued in US June 2018. Not out in UK yet. (no facetime for windows either)
Anymeeting 6 ( and you pay)
go to meeting 6( and you pay)

Now businesses can do a lot more but you have to pay for the facility.

So I am jobbing between messenger and hangouts as my best shot and a second attempt and engaging video, sound, several people and over more than one Continent. Make sure you do your own research.


  • Your equipment 
  • their equipment
  • Operating systems
  • Time of day
  • User technical skills
  • use of settings for plug in mic or ear phones. 
  • What current users are using... familiarity to a system can greatly help.

If using Google hangout best all have a Google mail address. Invites to non Google accounts need to be also in the Google address book of the invitation sending person and the invitation needs to be accepted, before the transmission.

Shouting across the sea is not an option.