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Showing posts with label control. Show all posts
Showing posts with label control. Show all posts

Friday, 29 April 2022

Writers hub- Inverness

I have been working on some history work on the Quakers in Aberdeenshire and discovered they had a really bad time from the authorities because they did not conform with the ways of the day even when they were not helping them get closer to God. It's a shame that so many rules and regulations are put in place for control which can hinder the work of the Spirit. I worked in a control environment and I see the need for them in situations but the Church and Christianity seems to want to hold everything to their liking rather than ask God to work. As Church general we are not learning! Is it man making sure he is in control? taking on the role of God? Is it simply learning from the past that some controls are required...? I had two meeting this week which touched on Revival... Is it coming soon?