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Showing posts with label Neighbours. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Neighbours. Show all posts

Monday, 23 April 2007

Meet the neighbours...

When the new neighbours came to town we were wondering what they may be like? What interests they might have and would they be good neighbours?
What makes a good neighbour?
They arrived recently and with a few more added to the offspring they already had, I hoped they will not be noisy. They settled in quickly.
Strange how we have got accustomed to their habits. They have really become part of the community. But I don't like it when they come in to my garden and lounged got to draw the line somewhere. How will I tell them that they are upsetting that their approach is not to our liking? Would it be too forward to raise the issue?
I remember last year a party of French students stopped on route on their holiday travels and as it was a nice day thought they would sit on the grass to have a very European lunch. They kindly asked if they could sit in the garden for lunch. Because I was taken aback I had said yes without realising it. You could tell they were continental...wanting to sit on the grass... chequered cloth... eating French stick bread in Sutherland.
Well the French students had a good relaxing lunch and set off South. It was a first for these parts. We often get strange glances as we eat out in the garden in Sutherland. Our garden table from B & Q Huntington has been well used.
That reminds me I must get some paint and stop the enset of rust.
But as for the new neighbours they continually eat out and have taken to eat in our garden without a request to us for approval!
Well maybe we will have to tolerate their different habits... I suppose they havent carried out any damage and it does increase the numbers in the community.
Here is the proof of their anticts.
The neighbours...