How do we engage the community?
My two observations of the last 12 months.
Bible Society - (England and Wales)
Sees a need to transform the culture as a way into people and the masses.
Ps.137 v 4 - How do we sing the Lord's song in a strange land?
Centres of influence - Arts, Media, Politics and Education to be challenged.
What would a society that takes the Bible seriously look like?
Imagination is a decisive influence on how people see reality.
What do you think people in this area see as real?
A. What is real when it comes to the way we live and behave?
B. What is real when it comes to ideas like God, Spirit and purpose?
What recent changes from the outskirts of culture have moved to centre stage?
A. Possibilities that all can have a voice or say!
B. Education for all people
C. Same sex marriages
D. Knowledge open to all via the internet
E ?
How can we impact the community where it is at a deep “heart and soul“ level? (We used to talk in terms of pre-evangelism?)
Then you will know the truth and the truth will set you free S.John 8.32
- Booklet "Make Poverty History" is valid but what about the Bible poverty- Need to be back in focus? or so we fed them and then they died?
"Love Esther" is a rock tour of the UK. Starting in Bristol last year it is based on the story of Esther communicating the Word to the young of today.
In Denver, last June, at the Renovare conference of 5,000 delegates, I discovered the work of Renovare (Latin: renewal) who work across the denominations. This organisation has a lot to offer the Church.
A divine lunch - I had a great time over lunch with Rodger Fredrikson, American Pastor and William Vaswig "call me Bill" - Evangelical Lutherian Church of America. They had studied divinity in Edinburgh many years ago.
Well past retirement they were fully 100% on fire for the work of the Kingdom.