You have had a hard week at work, you have had a busy schedule of evening activity. You have rushed to Church because you slept in after watching the late film- just to chill out.
And it would be so good to have a quiet time in a corporate meeting. But...
There is that "Sandwich service" where it looks like those leading are afraid to have silence in case the congregation think they have lost the place!
Quakers, brethren, Baptists, Assemblies of God, Charismatic and Pentecostal Churches have over the years recognised the depth of fellowship in having a time of silence together in the "Worship time" at Church. To take time to reflect is so important especially when life seems to be busier and busier.
Just like the public reading of the Bible has a different impact on our lives, so too, could a time of silence in the public worship.
There is a time for joyous worship, and loud! And there is a time form silence.
Thanks for the variety in praise in the Christian Church.
Hi Brian
Was reading about George Fox today, the one through whom the quaker movement began. He really had some good motives, not sure he would feel at home in the modern day quakers.
Enjoyed your post, and yes, we are so afraid of silence, its a shame because often the Lord speaks in whisper terms, the still small voice, I wonder if we ever miss what he says in our busyness of life.
Thanks, I read some Fox some years ago did you know there were Quakers in Aberdeen in 1653 Fox was in Scotland in 1657 well before The Disruption.
Have you read any of Richard Foster a "modern" Quaker in the USA.
The Church in the states is turning from a converstion head count to discipleship. This cant be bad. Check out the renovare site and Spiritual formation sites.
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