ga('set', 'userId', 'USER_ID'); // Set the user ID using signed-in user_id.

Thursday, 26 June 2008

Sunday, 22 June 2008

Heartland FM programme list

Here is the list of songs for Tuesday nights programme. I hope you can join me 10.00 pm 24 June 2008.

We will be listening to Lou Fellinghams new release "Promised land."

Heartland FM

What this world needs Casting Crowns

One more round Barlowgirl

You are good Better than life

tears of the saints Leeland

Beautifal King Michael Neale

Promised land Lou Fellingham

Spinning Lou Fellingham

Highly exalted Robin Mark

Celebrate Oslo Gospel choir

Heart of worship

For you I live Resurrection life church

The debt I owe Shirley Caesar

God immortal Lou Fellingham

Where everybody is somebody John Francis

Friday, 20 June 2008

Baptists in Helmsdale in the 16th century

I have been informed that a book published in November 2007 indicates that as well as baptist being in Leith, Ayr and Perth at the time of Cromwell, that there is a strong case that English baptists were in Helmsdale at a garrison around 1650.

I would appreciate any information that would tell us a bit more about these soldiers in the North of Scotland... 200 years before the disruption.

This is the picture I am using as a desktop pic. Its Golspie in Sutherland.

Firefox 3

Firefox 3

I wasnt there for day one but I am delighted with this upgrade.

Thursday, 12 June 2008

Batch processing

If I can get back to blogging a bit more frequently then I would want to batch my processing like others. Even in a work situation I would batch process.

1 Do all the telephone calls out in a time block.
2 read the feeds at a block time.
3 Allocate thinking time in a period of time during the week.

Great to be organised?

What other batch processing can be done
Church rotas for all organisations?

Wednesday, 28 May 2008

Willow creek turn around

After modeling a seeker-sensitive approach to church growth
for three decades, Willow Creek Community Church now plans to gear its weekend
services toward mature believers seeking to grow in their faith.

The change comes on the heels of an ongoing four-year research
effort first made public late last summer in Reveal: Where Are You?, a
book coauthored by executive pastor Greg Hawkins. Hawkins said during an annual
student ministries conference in April that Willow Creek would also replace its
midweek services with classes on theology and the Bible. More details here.

Wednesday, 14 May 2008

Lou Fellingham's second album "Promised land" is out now.
I plan to play a few tracks on Heartland FM in a few weeks.

Monday, 12 May 2008

Heartland fm Tuesday air play 12 May 2008 10.00 pm

What this world needs Casting Crowns
The alar and the door
I Know who I am Isreal Houghton
New breed
Everybody Abundant life
How loved
Say So Resurection life church
For you live
How great is our God Jesse Reeves
must have modern worship
Sing Lakewood
Better than life
Ill say yes? Brooklyn tabernacle
Ill say yes
Celebrate Oslo Gospel choir
This is the day
Oh God of love Lou Fellingham
Worship Gold 2
Dance with me Paul Wilbur
Praise Adonai
Sunnyside MIC
Snap Shot
For love alone CE CE Winans