ga('set', 'userId', 'USER_ID'); // Set the user ID using signed-in user_id.

Thursday, 11 May 2023

Tuesday, 11 April 2023

Future Church

Eastbourne railway station ...waiting for a train?

I ask that you take aside some time to consider the following paragraphs and discuss with those dearest to you in your walk. I would love to get feedback. Life is all about a journey we do need to travel!

Why must the Western Church study Culture today?

  • Because of the incarnation. Jesus did it.

  • Cultural understanding is essential as good mission practice

  • Christendom and Modernity are in rapid decline

  • The West is in the midst of a huge cultural shift

  • The Church is in decline (numerically)

  • Current church practices are cultural accommodations to a society that no longer exists

  • Primary modes of communications in the Western world and culture have changed.

  • New culture means new organizational structures are required.

  • The “Boomers”( over 46.s) are the last generation happy with “modern Church”

  • Increase appeal of Spirituality derived from other religions

  • Many Christians no longer follow the religion of their parents 2nd generation not coming through!

If this sounds new to you or you have n't considered this -no problem. However it would be worth us as a community considering the future “state of play” so that we can be effective where we are in the changing world. This with the Spirit of God, blessing the plans and activity could turn the community around and increase the Kingdom.

As suggested at a recent Church meeting perhaps we as a Church should be concentrating on a work with the people who have moved to this area from other countries?

The days of Sankey we know are over, but people, the days of Hillsong and other Modern large praise events are probably on the decline.

Some churches are doing a “new” old church, when maybe the answer is a “new” new church!

I sense with others that the new generation of believers are looking for reality in Christian practice, no religiousness, more reflectiveness, less clutter and a strong “missional” discipleship under the code name in America of “Spiritual Formation”. (“Google” Spiritual formation!)

It is not a simple matter of the Church re branding. The changes in culture have been too great for a change in “window display”. Recall in the past the printing press and the education of the community linked to the church. The corresponding requirement for an engaging church in the community that is not a sub-culture but is or changes the culture is clear. This has not to be a liberal or compromising stance but rather relevance, rediscovery, and in fact more biblically based mission. The “Hillsongs” mega churches might not survive even if they don't ever make an impact in Highland Scotland.
The church needs to be looking at ways to deal with those who want to be submerged in the culture and not seen to be different from others and to the individualists who make a stand on his or hers pet conviction. A tough task. Yet I think there are those being groomed by God for the job some closer than you think.

Thursday, 23 February 2023

Highland Harvest Band dates

For dates and news on Highland harvest band  go to Bandsintown and  type in Highland Harvest Band and "follow" press the read button. Thanks.

Sunday, 12 February 2023

Band developments

 The Band have now decided to operate as Highland Harvest Band 

They are currently taking a few more bookings for the next few months.

Its great to see the band make progress and starting the writing of pieces as well.

Stock market

 Things are looking up for investors with Interest rates up and the FTSE 100 at all time high last week. probably not a time to buy ! ( not advice)

Friday, 30 December 2022

stock market

lunchtime view

Spoke  too soon about recent trends

Bit of profit taking by the few today? 

Happy new year !

Thursday, 29 December 2022

Chatty Chappies! new programme 28

​A new programme was released yesterday on you tube.

Chatty Chappies!

stock market day


stock market 

Another day of strong gains. 

Are people looking optimistic about  the future?

Friday, 21 October 2022

Cannot understand!?

 I have given it some thought to the rising prices of energy and I still have this mental block.

Russia are not providing gas so the stock and availability is less so prices go up. fair enough.

We are not buying from Russia so from whom? Are they charging too much?

Scotland is mostly Hydro elelctric ? nothing to do with Gas!

Energy company profits go up which implies charging too much! So nothing to do with supply costs.

So what is going on? Is it simple greed for more profit and more money under the guise of the war in Ukraine?

Love to know the answer ?

Thursday, 20 October 2022

Prime Minister goes!

 So here we have it the Prime Minister goes only after 44 days or so.

As I said to some folks the other day the government can only work with in a band of cultural acceptance and not any more. The recent days have proved that. So what ever the policies or strategy it must be within a threshhold or, there will be a revolution of sorts.

Hope we can get stability from somewhere.!