ga('set', 'userId', 'USER_ID'); // Set the user ID using signed-in user_id.

Thursday, 30 August 2007

Sunday night at the Theatre garden

150 came out to the "churches together" service.
A bit tight for set up time but it was a good service. The sing by way of solos and the congregation was tip top. A team approach meant the whole setup was taken down packed and replaced in little time.

Saturday, 25 August 2007

Pitlochry Festival Theatre

And here it is nestling behind some cottages Pitlochry Festival Theatre.
Toffee and fudge single nought wafer.
Lovely day looking forward to the service in the Theatre garden on Sunday.
Hope there is not rain or midges!

One show

Whats his name on the One show is a follower and has an interest in clouds. Here is some from Dornoch beach from a few months ago.
Before the summer!

The green that we are experiencing at this time is exceptional . Usually the green has dried to orange and yellow. I wonder if the tree leafs will fall quicker this year due to their weight? or are we in for an indian summer.
Today in North Perthshire it is warm bright and a breeze. Must go down to the theatre and get an ice cream. Summer days.....

Casting Crowns new cd

"Casting Crowns'" new cd is out 28 August 2007.
I wonder what deal I can get from Amazon?

Sunday, 5 August 2007

Helicopter view of things

I recall the Rev Bob Jones in a sermon some 30 plus years ago talking in terms of the choppy sea and when one is in the sea things look bad. Yet from the helicopter view, the rescuer sees a different aspect all together. Some times we as humans can be taken up with the current situation and forget to look at the helicopter view of things. In the fullness of time it might not look so bad.
Now from Gods view, where there is no time it looks even smaller. So next time it looks a bit daunting try and see it from the helicopter view.

Friday, 3 August 2007

Printing to culture change

It is not a simple matter of the church re branding. The changes in culture have been too great for a change in “window display”. Recall the printing press and the education of the community linked to the church. The corresponding requirement for an engaging church in the community that is not a sub-culture but is or changes the culture is clear. This has not to be a liberal or compromising stance but rather relevance rediscovery and in fact more biblically based mission. The “Hillsongs” mega churches might not survive even if they don't ever make an impact in Scotland.
The church needs to be looking at ways to deal with those who want to be submerged in the culture and not seen to be different from others and to the individualists who make a stand on his or hers pet conviction. A tough task. Yet I think there are those being groomed by God for the job.

Sunday, 29 July 2007

Thursday, 26 July 2007

Renovare July 2007 newsletter.

The July 2007 issue of the RENOVARÉ Perspective is now available at

In this edition, Richard J. Foster addresses "Spiritual Formation and the Local Congregation," noting that institutional maintenance as a primary concern needs to be avoided and the development of a kingdom heart should be primary for spiritual fromation efforts to bear fruit....

Sunday, 22 July 2007

Emerging Church questionaire and poll

Thank you for taking part in the poll.

Roof tops thoughts

Getting re established in a routine is good for the behaviours as well as creating a anchor for the future. many yearn for the summer holidays and when they are into week two they wish they were back to work. Not because they particularly want to be at the desk or machine or vehicle but to get back to the reassuring routine that gives stability to the day.

Great thinkers, developers, strong theologians or writers and the likes of new ideas people have needed to switch off from the routine and break through the confines of "normal" thinking. Today when we have so many self ego thinkers how much more do we need people who will suspend the normal to deconstruct and reconstruct their lives.

I really like the possibilities of back to basic thinking that can then revitalised the present for the future. Yes there is nothing new under the sun but there is a need for freshness in the thinking of the present. last weeks fruit and veg is withering...

So as I look over the Pitlochry roof tops in another wet weekend, as we settle in our new area of responsibilities and look forward to a holiday break I consider the winter ahead and the possibilities that might be in this part of the Highlands