ga('set', 'userId', 'USER_ID'); // Set the user ID using signed-in user_id.

Saturday 17 March 2007

Follow up Saltcoats College

Saltcoats college says:
"We have just spent two weeks on demolition work, taking down the area of the building that had become unsafe and we are ready to rebuild when the money comes to hand. Right now, we are looking for immediate support of £10,000. We have a £25,000 bill that needs to be paid imminently; £15,000 has been received already but the remaining £10,000 of this installment is now sought with some urgency – hence the need for this communication to those who might feel minded and able to help. If you feel led to help us we would be awfully glad of a quick response. Cheques, large or small, payable to the “Come back to God Campaign” will be very gratefully received at the address below, but do please get in touch to discuss Gift Aid, any queries or to arrange a visit.
The area that needs to be rebuilt – the ‘Sun Lounge’ is a main thoroughfare of the College, if we cannot rebuild this structure, whilst replacing the walkway roof, and securing disabled access to our Lawn area, we will not be able to continue the work we are engaged in for the Lord Jesus in the same way. We have prayed, fasted and brought this matter to many praying friends, we have also sought to earn the revenue required for this rebuilding venture through taking on outside print jobs and using all the skills amongst the team to earn money. But we are also now dependant upon the generosity and stewardship of our friends, supporters and brothers and sisters in Christ. If you will invest in our work today, you will help us continue to tell others about Jesus, to teach and train people in healing and deliverance ministry and to reach out to this nation of Great Britain and bring its people back to God. Your prayers and financial support are needed today.
Thank you so much."

Wednesday 7 March 2007

Kierkegaard goes to the doctor

Soren Kierkegaards been to the doctor. This is what he said.

Victoria station

Returning from a meeting in London I am taken aback once again, by simply the numbers of people in the City at any one time. Thousands of people travelling by the underground. The variety of styles, cultures and faiths represented in such a small space. Yet there is still the eerie silence,... the avoidance of eye contact and the ability to avoid a new relationship. For all these people and all these cultures God is available and continues to make access to them. But the eyes avoid an encounter that might challenge and show any falsehood, they prefer in someways to remain in their non-relational rat race. Victoria station so important if you want the Gatwick Express to the airport at Gatwick. Direct route to the terminus for one's journey. Jesus the Christ direct access to God, despite what many would indicate in there lifestyle or verbal stance.

Sunday 4 March 2007

Sheep Rustlers in Sutherland ?

Two weeks ago this headline took front pages news in the Northern Times. Apparantly its not the first time over the last twenty years that unaccounted high losses of sheep have been noted and recorded in the Bonar Bridge/Rogart area. Strange how no bones were found.

Thursday 1 March 2007

A need to be met!

Sun Lounge project pictures
As you know I am not in the habit of putting round requests, but I thought if some of our contacts and other connections could help - Tim and Ben would be delighted.

Hey Lets further the Kingdom Now.

I have had a communication from a friend who said to me this morning:

Tim said to Brian Robertson in Rogart

Ben, my son, is over at Saltcoats where he graduated from Bible College last autumn. He's stayed on in the Come Back to God Campaign and I'm trying to help him raise £50k or thereabouts urgently to tackle some structural collapse that hit the building. The were blessed with £16k received a couple of weeks ago but the builders have got on well and will need the next £25k instalment next week! They have faith in the Lord's Provision and Will but know too that we are His Hands and must take the necessary actions.

Do you mind having a look at the attached, think/pray if it's any good, and if you're happy sending it on to your Christian networks to seek any support that might be out there?

Any input would be great!

To see Ben's pictures click here
Add to the comments if you would like me to send a pdf of the work.....

Tuesday 20 February 2007

Rogart last week

Getting over a sore throat and this week in to a holiday. Spring is on its way.

Monday 5 February 2007

Future of your church

If you are wondering How to move forward as a church how about considering the following.:

Firstly I will not be advising whither you start a Mums or Toddlers group. I am thinking more about first steps in the process of gaining an insight in to the future work.

Need to Meet to find a "Corporate discernment"... moving forward inch by inch. Take time together to sift out ideas etc. Allow everyone their input. Have a facilitator as leader for the meeting. Also sometimes the quieter person has the answer or discernment.

Prayer and discussion on " How God, would you have us steer?"
This is realisation. and the need to go on or in other words you cannot go back...
Retreat a time of rest and reflection

An uncluttered time to reflect and breathe - away from it all - including the Sunday routine.
What does God want for us?
What might he be calling us to?

Often he wants you to stop something first. Is there activity continuing that has past is sell by date and is not producing...?

Show a high value in Missions home and away.

Community/City/region impact

Where is God currently working, look for opportunities something to get alongside?

Move from becoming
Rally to a cause seems easy. Rallying around God -more difficult.

How does one move forward?

Teach me to live my life the way he would if he were here. (physically)

Head off discouragement

Calm be the person you want to be!
When God reality is present and someone comes into the body.
Then God has brought them in.

Remember "Come follow me".
Too many in the full time ministry are in a "rat race".
The next step should be "a dance with the Trinity and others"

Living in love speeds the coming of Jesus.

1 Our Corporate lives as examples and patterns
2 our assumptions about ministry
3 Our ministry plan
4 Our life rhythms and ministry
rest periods
5 Our ministry results

Are the activities -one purpose?

Step back from the need to see immediate results.

Happy discerning in the way forward.

Wednesday 31 January 2007

Church new or old...

I had a meeting with someone in Eastbourne last week regarding new churches.
Daniel is looking for leaders to encourage in new church activity. I am sure he will not mind the link as he needs to speak to lots of people.
My question to him was is this a "new style for an old church" or is it "new church" the conclusion was new church. So often we are loking to replicate with a modern feel the old systems of church. The emerging people have got it right - go back to first principles. Seek ye first the kingdom. Then how de we do that where we are in the community and how best will this be developed. It may result in a system or structure of leadership or activity but it needs to be born out of the "seek ye first" bit first.
We had a good conversation that crystalised some of my thinking as well as his.
He coped with the Robertson probe.
I am sure Daniel would be encouraged by your comments and e mails.

Saturday 27 January 2007

Judgement coming...


An official Iranian state news service is predicting that the Last Judgment will occur on 20 March. The website of the Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting (IRIB) claims the Mahdi, or 12th Imam believed in by Shi’ite Muslims, will appear in Arabia on the spring equinox of the Islamic calendar. ‘Imam Mahdi will be the leader while the Prophet Jesus will act as his lieutenant in the struggle against oppression and establishment of justice in the world,’ the site claims. Iranian government policy is believed to be deeply influenced by expectations of the imminent return of the Mahdi, the Church of England Newspaper says. Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is on record for expressing his longing for the Muslim leader’s return to ‘establish justice, peace and brotherhood’.

Source: Church of England Newspaper (26/1)

Wednesday 17 January 2007

Strong enough to think?

If you are in a church that is rigid or controlling it may be a constraint to your personal expression. How do you vent your thoughts and concern. The house groups and indeed the House Group Movement sought to engage with one another in the comfort and less formal setting of home. There needs to be dialogue and in the appropriate place midweek business meeting etc. There is more than ever in the current churches a need to evaluate and seek the plan for the future. In 1970 if some one said the Boys Brigade will decline rapidly people would have laughed. Yet in the space a of a few years it did.
Now consider the church- ok more established, yet it, recognises the decline. What now?
Of course where there is dialogue there will be differing opinion!
This can be seen, by some as inconsistent with a rigid theology of black and white! Debate can only improve the understanding. This together with a more thoughtful process linked to solitude will surely provide a positive Christ centred practice rather than a regimental, all believe the same, untested theology of the “Victorian age”. Sure there will be mistakes but the distilling down will be a purifying process. Can you imagine Abraham trying to answer the question while he was in the desert ;
Where are you going? “Eh... Following God, he told me to follow this column of cloud... of smoke.” “and the end result?”...”eh the best land a promised land.” How will you know what its like? “ Sorry don't know... but when we get there we will know I simply have to trust in God to take me and lead the people to where ever that is.”
The conclusions from the discovery walk or the de-construction, I await rather than dismissing as out of hand. I am encouraged that the de-construction that many fear, from their so called established church, is questioning not purely for the sake of it but with a God fearing responsibility. While Emerging people will not simply set up Churches as we have known them, they will, seek to find a way of expressing the Kingdom in the community which has a more holistic approach.
So where in the say 70's and 80's indeed the 90's the church set up “alternative church” which took the flavour of a sub-culture we see the emerging people wanting to be the culture and shape the culture head on. (Like the Joshua story “tread the land” -possession). The difficulty comes from within the established church which is trying to keep doing what worked or did not work over the last 300 years. Status Quo (not the group) is seldom forward thinking. Where are the visionaries?