ga('set', 'userId', 'USER_ID'); // Set the user ID using signed-in user_id.

Sunday 6 May 2007

New job new focus

With the speedy run around the country of late i have not been attending to you good readers. With a new job just started I hope to get back into routine soon.

Consider this:
Jesus could not go straight to heaven from the cross. He had all the sins of the world and there is no sin allowed in heaven. So he dumped them in hades and preached there before the Resurrection.!


Dave Lynch said...

Interesting Brian, never heard of this before, where did you hear this?

What happened to the sins after Jesus dumped them?
What did Jesus statement on the cross 'it is finished' mean?

Brian Robertson said...

Keep them coming how else do we find out about our faith our god and his work...

Dave Lynch said...

Brian, I have carried this onto my blog for further discussion, though I am a little confused as to why you hold this teaching, you must explain more to me when you get chance.

Brian Robertson said...

Just picked this up on the road.
The doctrine... I dont know if I hold up to. It was a thought that needs the meausure of Scripture and the Spirit to clarify. Hence the question.
Hope you are having a good week.
Back at base friday night.