ga('set', 'userId', 'USER_ID'); // Set the user ID using signed-in user_id.

Tuesday, 18 September 2007

Heartland FM 10.00 playlist

1 Track 1
Kevin Prosch “Lord of the Dance.“ from “Reckless mercy”

2Track 3
That was “Lord of the dance” and now
Steve Curtis Chapman “The Change” from the album “Speechless”

2Track 3

A lively warm song from Hillsongs Australia
“Touching heaven Changing Earth”

4 Delirious
Grace like a river from World service

5 Track 1

Acapella pure voice no instrument sound. A warm track

Called “Teaching the truth in Love”

6 Track 20
Howard Prior Rick Wakeman

“There is nothing to difficult”
What do you think?

7 Track 4
CE CE Winans
From the most recent “Purified album”
Ce Ce Winans sings a variety of styles this softer one is
“All That I need”

8 Title track 1

Kelita Who used to have a support singer on her Gospel tours in the name of Shinia Twain!
“The strange one”

9 Title track 9

10Track 10
Mal Pope - haunting track about our world
“This is your land” from”City of gold”

11 Track 1
Lou Fellingham
“O God of love”
From her first solo offering Lou Fellingham known for her distinctive voice on Stoneleigh music and the rock band Phat Fish, based in Eastbourne

Lou has brought together some lovely tuneful songs and reworks in to an album that seems to be as yet undiscovered by the masses.

12 track 6
Acapella once more with there focused song
“Get to the point.”

13 track 9
CE CE Winans
Best singer 2005 in USA

From the album of that year CE CE from a musical background sings the mellow song “The way things were”.


Thursday, 6 September 2007

Heartland FM

Looking forward to my programme on heartland Fm Tuesday night the 18 of September. What an opportunity to present my choice of music. 97.5 FM in the heart of Highland Perth shire as the advert goes!

Bourne Ultimatium

Bourne Ultimatum on 1 September in Dundee, followed by pizza and then home. Enjoyed the film but strained my eyes from being to near the front.