New letter at the renovare website.
Monday, 15 December 2008
Tuesday, 11 November 2008
11 November playlist heartland FM
Hope you enjoy these songs.
Title Artist
Faith, London Community Gospel Choir
Chance, Resurection Life Church
Alibaster Jar, The World Gateway Worship
Everything Change, Katherine Scott
Friend of God, Lakeland Live
Walls come down, Lenny Lebanc
I will say Yes, Tabernacle
Raise up raise up a standard, Godfrey Britill
Celebrate, Oslo Gospel Choir
Holy God, Brian Dorkensen
Celebrate, Free Chapel
Thursday, 23 October 2008
Renovare conference 2009
details can be found on their website here
Renovare international conference 2009
Tuesday, 21 October 2008
Saturday, 11 October 2008
Kierkegaard on the financial situation
What is funny about extreme busyness amid extreme danger?
Insofar as money is a something, the relativity between richer and poorer is not comic, but if it is token money, it is comic that it is a relativity. If the reason for people's hustle-bustle is a possibility of avoiding danger, the busyness is not comic; but if, for example, it is on a ship that is sinking, there is something comic in all this running around, because the contradiction is that despite all this movement they are not moving away from the site of their downfall.
Concluding Unscientific Postscript to
Philosophical Fragments 1:555 (KW 12)
[Voice: Johannes Climacus]
Thursday, 11 September 2008
End of the world
we are still here and if you are reading this you are one of the few survivors of the recent end of the world claim.
Meanwhile Let me remind you that God is still in control and has everything in hand and planned for.
He may make contact soon however, due to date line variations I am advised when he comes back he will visit all points of the earth at the same time! great idea - no one can claim the first sighting. he thinks of everything!
He managed to split protons thousands of years ago or was it millions. Dont know but he managed it and in budget.
Wednesday, 10 September 2008
Heartland 2008 16 Sept 2008
What this world needs | Casting Crowns |
| Altar and the Door |
sin city | MIC |
| snap shot |
Cant stop | Leeland |
| sound of melodies |
So come | Isreal Houghton |
| Deeper level |
great God | Free chapel |
| Moving forward |
Promised land | Lou Fellingham |
| Promised land |
Open the eyes of my heart |
| Above all |
Take me higher | Jars of clay |
| good monsters |
Everything you do | Jason Upton |
| Beautifil people |
Say so | Resurrection life churchFor you ilive |
O god of love | Lou Fellingham |
| Worship gold 11 |
Beautiful in majesty |
| Worship gold 12 |
Jesus can fix it | Shirley caesar |
| I know the truth |
better than life | lakewood live |
| Better than life |
Friday, 5 September 2008
From Bible Society news feed ....
India’s Supreme Court has ordered the state government in Orissa to outline
the steps it is taking to halt violence against Christians that has displaced
over 10,000 people. Thousands are now sheltering under police guard in seven
camps after a wave of brutal attacks that have already left 16 dead. Yesterday
one of these camps was besieged by a Hindu mob of 1,000 people, prompting the
Supreme Court to order the deployment of four more police battalions. The
central government has refrained from intervening, prompting condemnation from
the Pope and the Italian government. A Christian lawyer at Orissa High Court
said Orissa state has failed time and again to protect its Christian minority.
In part, the violence seems to be a reaction to conversions to Christianity
amongst the lowest castes and their determination to become eligible for better
Sources: The Guardian (3/9); Christian Today (5/9); Baptist Times (4/9)
Thursday, 21 August 2008
Defragging the harddrive
Saturday, 16 August 2008
Tuesday, 5 August 2008
Blair Wingo her poem "let me introduce the Christ..."
A different Jesus from the Bible so…allow me to bring the real Christ
on stage. Not that whack Jesus, the one not based on fact Jesus, too
often displayed. The Christ in Glory, not the one on your chain.
Because he’s the real Jesus Peace that only dwells in the saved. So
allow me to paint the picture of Christ in the Scripture preaching
faith and repentance that your too cool Jesus….never seems to mention.
It seems like he’s down with all the things that you do. But come on,
there’s only one Jesus who is true. So which one will you let reign
over you? Who?
The Millionaire Jesus who just wants to make you rich? Give you some
ice, fame, money, to prove that you are blessed? The Black Panther
Jesus who throws up his black fist. The ‘Kan…Ye…West’ Jesus who walks
with no Holiness. Which one will you choose? I said….Which one will you
So I think it is long overdo to have a re-introduction of Christ. So
there won’t be any confusion as to which one is right, because one
leads to death, and the other IS life! So allow me to, re-introduce the
Christ. Allow me to, re-introduce the Christ. I said allow me to
re-introduce the Christ! He’s been distorted by the people and IT JUST
Allow me to re-introduce the Christ. Not someone you can pimp around to
propel your cause. Or a name you can proclaim just to cover your flaws.
Look if this is true then you’re serving a different Boss. Your Christ
is an idol and you’re probably lost.
Because Christ in the scripture? He gave a call to forsake all. Not to
wear a cross but to take up your cross and follow Him. Because we’re
holding a death sentence because of our sin. And it’s His Mercy that His wrath hasn’t burned times ten. Just like Sodom and Gomorrah but a curse within. You see He gives us a chance to learn of Him!
So that He can be glorified in His rightful place. So if we’re serving
this imitation Jesus, dude, it’s like a blatant slap in the face,
distorting His grace and disregarding His sacrifice. For a worldly
Christ, like the ‘Purpose Driven Life’ Jesus, who prophesied you’ll be
used by him before you’re living like Jesus.
Or that S.A.T. Jesus who helps you with all your quizzes, gets you into
college, allows you to pass math and physics, the homosexual Jesus who
doesn’t see you sinning. The ‘Destiny’s Child’ Jesus who sees your
Beyoncé and starts grinning. Which one will you choose? I said…which
one will you choose?
So I think it is long overdue to have a re-introduction of Christ. So
there won’t be any confusion as to which one is right, because one
leads to death, and the other IS life! So allow me to.. re-introduce
the Christ.
Allow me to … re-introduce the Christ. He’s been distorted by the people and IT JUST AIN’T RIGHT!
So allow me to re-introduce the Christ.
Not someone that we can cover His mouth, so we can continue our nose in
the dirt, so He doesn’t require us to repent of all sins, to be born
again, to never blend in with this world, and Broadway is the street
that walks the Material Girl, she’s got you seduced, she feeds you a
phony Jesus that doesn’t want to save you from your sins but wants
to…”Kick it with you.”
Like…”Jesus is my Homeboy”..or “Jesus got me employed” or “Jesus is my
Decoy”, But will the real Jesus please stand up? The ONE who is TRUE!
Because He’s been, knocked down, pushed down, and these idols come in,
he wrecked it up, he wrecked it up to the point that if the real Jesus
came back right now…Dude, the Church would probably hang Him upside
down! Pin Him to one of these beams and crucify Him again. Because he’s
not down with your sin! And it hurts me to see how the Church will
defend their lifestyle. Like, Wow! Don’t we want to know Christ? The
one who willingly gave His life to set us free from our sin you see.
And I must do this by ANY means necessary. See, I must NEVER hide the
LIGHT! So tonight, I’m going to introduce Jesus Christ. I said I’m
going to introduce Jesus Christ because He’s been distorted by the
people and IT JUST AIN’T RIGHT! So I’m going to introduce Jesus Christ
because one day…Dude…. He is coming back and it’s important that you
recognize Him because the scripture talks about that.
Many people saying….”I’m Jesus….No, I’m Jesus…No, I’m Jesus” But which
one is fact? And you got to get into the Bible to see about that, that
He’s coming in the clouds with Power and Glory, and every knee will
bow, testify to His authority. So this Jesus of the scripture better
take priority, not the one that’s accepted every where by the majority,
when He Himself said the world would hate Him! So why all of a sudden
does the world want to date Him? Think about it.
Hopefully you haven’t given in to this ‘Come as you are, stay as you
are’ Jesus. ‘He has this wonderful plan for my Life’ Jesus, ‘You don’t
need repentance’ Jesus…or ‘All roads lead to Jesus.’ I hope you haven’t
given in to this, but you serve the One who is Holy. Because it will be
something if on Judgement day the Jesus you’ve been serving was simply
an angel of light, which covered a legion of demons masquerading as
Christ. All this time serving a Jesus who’s not been pierced at his
feet and the wrists, who has no sword coming out of his mouth, No rod
of Righteousness! To go on day by day by day, and willingly MISS
because we’re serving a created image that leads you to the Abyss.
So lets get into scripture, so we’re not fooled by this Jesus who when
were sinning he’s still with us, Won’t get into this Jesus that the
world loves, and he’s cool with your worldly music, worldly TV, you
going to the club, your sex, your lies, your vanity, your phony love,
the very thing that caused Christ in the scripture to shed blood.
So let’s make sure we’re serving the right Christ, not a wolf in
sheep’s clothing that’s got you enticed. The TRUE ONE, want to make you
new ONE, The ONLY begotten SON!
So I think it’s long overdue for you to be introduced tonight. Everybody help me welcome…Jesus Christ!
Here on this page video God tube of Blair reading the picture.
Wednesday, 30 July 2008
Holiday Club
Look at the pictures at the churches website.

Tuesday, 29 July 2008
Holiday club photos
Andrew and Dave have been working hard on daily dvd's and photos. See here for the Tuesday photos of Holiday club.
Monday, 28 July 2008
CS Colorado
What would be barren and dry turns out to be healthy growth allowing more people to live in an environment more akin to Scotland than Cheyenne country.
Cheyenne Country, would you believe with all the construction and roads with retail parks its no wonder their is little sight of the Indians. (accept for the dance routine at Manitou dwellings on the west side of Colorado Springs carried out by drafted southern indians for the tourists.)
I picked up in the news, on my return, that a great brown bear had broken in to the " Ciricuit City" electrical superstore and set off the alarms its no surprise that nature and progress meet head to head in theis part of the country where land reclamation is essential.
Driving on the right side does take a bit to get used to but once you settle in there seems more time to make your manovers as the roads are long and wide.
Monday, 21 July 2008
Compassion International
97.5 heartland fm radio play
here is the play list for Tuesday 22 July 2008 at 10.00 on Heartland FM>
Thursday, 26 June 2008
Sunday, 22 June 2008
Heartland FM programme list
Here is the list of songs for Tuesday nights programme. I hope you can join me 10.00 pm 24 June 2008.
We will be listening to Lou Fellinghams new release "Promised land."
What this world needs Casting Crowns
One more round Barlowgirl
You are good Better than life
tears of the saints Leeland
Beautifal King Michael Neale
Promised land Lou Fellingham
Spinning Lou Fellingham
Highly exalted Robin Mark
Celebrate Oslo Gospel choir
Heart of worship
For you I live Resurrection life church
The debt I owe Shirley Caesar
God immortal Lou Fellingham
Where everybody is somebody John Francis
Friday, 20 June 2008
Baptists in Helmsdale in the 16th century
I would appreciate any information that would tell us a bit more about these soldiers in the North of Scotland... 200 years before the disruption.
Wednesday, 18 June 2008
Thursday, 12 June 2008
Batch processing
1 Do all the telephone calls out in a time block.
2 read the feeds at a block time.
3 Allocate thinking time in a period of time during the week.
Great to be organised?
What other batch processing can be done
Church rotas for all organisations?
Wednesday, 28 May 2008
Willow creek turn around
After modeling a seeker-sensitive approach to church growth
for three decades, Willow Creek Community Church now plans to gear its weekend
services toward mature believers seeking to grow in their faith.
The change comes on the heels of an ongoing four-year research
effort first made public late last summer in Reveal: Where Are You?, a
book coauthored by executive pastor Greg Hawkins. Hawkins said during an annual
student ministries conference in April that Willow Creek would also replace its
midweek services with classes on theology and the Bible. More details here.
Wednesday, 14 May 2008
Monday, 12 May 2008
Heartland fm Tuesday air play 12 May 2008 10.00 pm
What this world needs | Casting Crowns | The alar and the door | |
I Know who I am | Isreal Houghton | New breed | |
Everybody | Abundant life | How loved | |
Say So | Resurection life church | For you live | |
How great is our God | Jesse Reeves | must have modern worship | |
Sing | Lakewood | Better than life | |
Ill say yes? | Brooklyn tabernacle | Ill say yes | |
Celebrate | Oslo Gospel choir | This is the day | |
Oh God of love | Lou Fellingham | Worship Gold 2 | |
Dance with me | Paul Wilbur | Praise Adonai | |
Sunnyside | MIC | Snap Shot | |
For love alone | CE CE Winans |
Tuesday, 8 April 2008
Tuesday, 1 April 2008
Saturday, 29 March 2008
Tuesday, 25 March 2008
Monday, 24 March 2008
Tuesday, 19 February 2008
Sunday, 20 January 2008
A Christian-led education project has won a National Youth Justice award after it slashed youth crime in a London borough by 58.5 per cent year-on-year. The Spark2Life programme received the team award for making an ‘outstanding contribution to tackling youth crime’ at this year’s Criminal Justice System (CJS) awards. Youth worker Dez Brown developed the programme in Wandsworth schools with the backing of police and the local education authority. Linked to school citizenship and PSHE courses, it combined a keynote talk with classroom sessions and a mentoring scheme in 13 schools. Following this success, Mr Brown hopes to take the programme to other boroughs and cities.
Source: Christianity (Feb 08)
Friday, 18 January 2008
Heartland FM
On 97.5 FM -Heartland
Title | Singer | Note | Album | ||
My saviour lives | New life worship | experience his presence | 2007 | ||
Say so | Isreal Houghton | New breed | 2007 | ||
Special delivery | Acapella | 2000 | |||
All that i need | CE CEWinans | Purified | |||
Sunny side | Snap and shot | MIC | |||
Everything is going to be alright | Shirley Caesar | I Know the truth | 2005 | ||
Ascend | Lenny lebanc | All for love | |||
Purpose | Resurrection life church | For you I live | 2006 | ||
Is to come | Free chapel | Moving forward | 2007 | ||
Watchman | Paul Wilbur | ||||
Work | Jars of Clay | Good monsters | |||
Beautiful people | Jason Upton | Beautiful people | |||
Take my chances | Barlowgirl |
Renovare Jan 2008 newsletter Heart to heart.