ga('set', 'userId', 'USER_ID'); // Set the user ID using signed-in user_id.

Sunday, 4 January 2009

Internet explorer 8 beta

Hi all you readers. If you are one of those people who likes to be at the forefront of technology here is a warning.

Internet explorer 8 - beta does not currently work with McAfee security.

It causes the browser to freeze with a mcAfee balloon which is empty and when you go to McAfee it will not report fully.
The answer is to remove Internet explorer 8 beta until such time as it has been fixed.
Its a good time to remind you to take restore points before you tinger around.

Explorer 7 will still be there but you may need to make a new icon.

Heartland fm 10.00 pm Tuesday 6 jan 08 on 97.5

R U Ready - Godfrey Britill
Mighty king of love - Ross Parsley leads New Life church CS
blessing glory honour - Sandi Sulander
Good monsters - Jars of Clay
Be the centre - Jami Smith Home / writer Michael Frye
Crown him lord of all - -Beverley Moore
Beautiful - -Gate way worship
Halleluyah to the king - - Brooklyn Tabernacle
What can I do - Paul Baloche
I am yours - Michael Neale
Celebration - Free Chapel
East is West - Casting Crowns
Snap Shot - Mike

Heartland radio playlist for 6 Jan 08

I will up load this soon.