ga('set', 'userId', 'USER_ID'); // Set the user ID using signed-in user_id.

Wednesday, 20 May 2015

Holy Spirit ...shy

I am currently reading this book. In It the suggestion is that the Holy Spirit is Shy!

Monday, 18 May 2015

Church of Scotland

Church of Scotland votes in favour of allowing ministers in same sex civil partnerships

Church of Scotland logoThje Church of Scotland has voted in favour of allowing people in same sex civil partnerships to be called as ministers and deacons.
The historic decision was made by the General Assembly on the Mound in Edinburgh today, where the motion was passed by 309 votes in favour and 182 against.
The outcome is the culmination of years of deliberation within the Church. The motion has faced a series of debates and votes before the final decision was arrived at this afternoon. This included 31 of the Church’s presbyteries endorsing the move to 14 who opposed it.
This means the Church has adopted a position which maintains a traditional view of marriage between a man and woman, but allows individual congregations to ‘opt out’ if they wish to appoint a minister or a deacon in a same sex civil partnership."

I am not making comment on the theology but taking note similar to the Free Church of Scotland with regard to Worship when it comes to a difficult answer the local congregations are given the authority to choose!

Is this not a good Baptist principle ?  the local church decides and not some authority out with the locality.


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