Spoke too soon about recent trends
Bit of profit taking by the few today?
Happy new year !
Spoke too soon about recent trends
Bit of profit taking by the few today?
Happy new year !
stock market
Another day of strong gains.
Are people looking optimistic about the future?
I have given it some thought to the rising prices of energy and I still have this mental block.
Russia are not providing gas so the stock and availability is less so prices go up. fair enough.
We are not buying from Russia so from whom? Are they charging too much?
Scotland is mostly Hydro elelctric ? nothing to do with Gas!
Energy company profits go up which implies charging too much! So nothing to do with supply costs.
So what is going on? Is it simple greed for more profit and more money under the guise of the war in Ukraine?
Love to know the answer ?
So here we have it the Prime Minister goes only after 44 days or so.
As I said to some folks the other day the government can only work with in a band of cultural acceptance and not any more. The recent days have proved that. So what ever the policies or strategy it must be within a threshhold or, there will be a revolution of sorts.
Hope we can get stability from somewhere.!
Chatty Chappies! goes on with several programmes ready for viewing including going to pictures (Videos).
Chatty Chappies! u tube has all the videos and will be linked to Facebook page.
We are looking for people to interview.
At a recent meeting of the band we settled for the name The Risen Media Worship Band for the meantime. - It says what it is.
We are playing in September and October. Dates are on the facebook page under events.
Induction Dingwall Baptist Church
On the 3rd of September 2022 I was privileged to be at Alness Baptist Church, where I had been a member twice in the past, to witness the induction of Stephen Ilett into the Dingwall Baptist Church. This Church is relatively new, constituted April 1999 from like-minded people, some having previously been in Baptist fellowships, and the Church called the US Baptist Missionary William Rainey as Pastor. I was secretary and worship leader for a period before moving south of the border to work for a Charity in Cambridge.
Both Churches had grown from the work of individual pioneers.
Alness Bill Clark
( BUS supported work. Bill holding church in cafes in the 70’s!!)
Dingwall William Rainey
(American Baptist supported by Churches from the USA)
Stephen Ilett, I knew from the Alness days and he like I had been “Sent” to support the work by the Alness Church.
The day in question was emotional as I met people from 20 and 40 years ago under the same roof. That roof on the Alness Church was a new repaired one, but that is another story. The ceremony was in line with the Baptist Unions template and the Union was represented by Martin Hodson, General Director of th Baptist Union of Scotland.
A lightly formal meeting was concluded with an encouraging preach from the Alness Pastor Robert Adair followed by the Alness Church putting on the customary food and teas.
The conclusion of the day for me was seeing a friend take up the formal post of a church which I had been a part.
The church itself like so many is going through a review process to affirm the type of ministry it will have in the community.
The writers hub has continued over the summer weeks. I have been involved in other things but, have a few projects for the colder weather.
The band played last Friday at the beginning of the Keswick convention in Buckie. The praise was good with a strongly reeptive congregation.
I have been looking at how to have two basses available to play live without disconnecting from the guitars and getting that unprofessional noise. I have a two standard jack cable that goes to one cable.
But when i tried it it didnt work.
My next plan was to use a small mixer for both guitars then send the signal from which ever instrament to the effects and back to the mixer before on to the bass amp and Pa .
My trial run through last night at home worked well and looks like a GOOD method.
I then re checked the cable and discovered that it worked as well.!
Chatty Chappies! has taken off and Andrew and I are pleased with the production of the last 12 programmes. as we move on to the next batch we hope to expand our listening numbers our content and of course introduce the new theme tune.
In the future we hope to have live chats through either facebook or u tube.
Links are found in the last post.
Chatty Chappies! are now on u tube channel.
Please subscribe at Chatty Chappies !
Coming into the Writers hub recently I was on the number 2 bus to Inverness centre.
There is a wonderful feeling when you see the traffic building up and the bus has a separate route and sometimes lane, to move through the early morning to its destination. That sense of skipping the queue or getting, even taking an advantage point is worthy of a smile.
It is a light dream I had that morning as we travelled north down a road I barely know. My sense of being was still in Perth and I am now in Inverness and have been for some time. The hub , as in Writers Hub has been functioning for some months and is a good base for budding writers. I quickly say it is not a critique forum but simply a place that other writers meet to work independently in the same environment. This helps in discipline.
I have taken time to reflect on some things now that we are in our house and getting established. We had made links with people as soon as we arrived in Inverness. The 8 months in rented accommodation seems quick and a memory, now as we move into a new chapter of life.
Opportunities to play bass in Worship circles grows and with gardening and routine tasks the weeks are flying in.
Family history has had a back shelf for almost 12 months, and I have a lot of catching up to do with many in that circle...
Chatty Chappies! on facebook is growing and its fun to chat with Andy about the various topics we dig up. The run on the Butteries was interesting especially when my grandfather was a baker in Aberdeen.
I can imagine the seafarer who went to his baker complaining about the lack of bread on sea trips and the poor biscuits that were a substitute for stale bread. What creativeness to ask the baker to come up with something appropriate for long journeys that would last longer than bread. Then we have the teamwork as the baker goes next door to chat with the butcher on how to have longevity in baking. So back in 1880 the baker tries to make a new product with the addition of lard as a preservative.
Having experimented with dough he comes up with what locals called a Rowy.( because there is a lot of turning in the process) Our seafarer is delighted with the new product and the rest is history they say!
Then in 1917 fresh bread was banned as it was seen as unfair that some could get fresh bread and others could not. During the war the buttery was a staple breakfast with porridge and tea. A good way to gain energy for the day ahead. With its ban ( it was seen as a bread) the people revolted. Unions were involved food control was in place and there was such a fuss that “Home rule for Scotland “ was muted over the banning of the buttery. 22 September 1917 saw the last buttery baking.
The fresh bread ban was rescinded in 1919 not before two bakers were fined for selling butteries.
Today the buttery is on shelves far from the Aberdeen and Buchan coast in bakeries and supermarkets. There are varying qualities of buttery around, but it would seem from small research the independent Bakers are the best.
Writers Hub writershubinverness@gmail.com
Chatty Chappies! .www.facebook.com/groups/495660008588250/
Family history www.familyhistory.blogspot.com
Having been out on the road with some mates I was encouraged by the link I found via John Greenshields to Kenny Lamm and his 9 reasons people dont join in worship singing.
I am no old boy with a few years experinece in the front and at the back of corporate worship and I do see some common recognition to the things Kenny has said in Church leaders website. My thanks to him.
They dont know the songs
Songs not suitable for that gathering
Wrong key for gathering ( Too high?) (or even shy men)
Potential singers cannot hear those around them
Worship singing seen as a performance spectator event
Congregation feel they are not expected to sing
Book of songs to fluid song list issues
Leaders of worship ad lib too much
Worship leaders not connected to congregation
As I am involved in worship i take recognition of these comments. I hope others do too!
However . I am encouraged in the Highlands of Scotland, people are, taking recognition to music worship some refreshing their approach others discovering for the first time a wealth of song to use.