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Monday 4 June 2018

Alexander Duff

Alexander Duff Alexander Duff (1806-1878)

The Church of Scotland's first appointed missionary to India was Alexander Duff. Born in Moulin in Perthshire his academic career was at St Andrews. He carried off the top honour for Greek Latin. Logic and moral philosophy. He also gained the essay prize for best translation into Latin of Plato” Apology to Socrates. he was indeed a excellent scholar.

He was in debited to the encouragement of Dr Thomas Chalmers who took up the post of Professor of moral philosophy in 1823. It was Chalmers the most prominent evangelical in Scotland who later became a national leader that inspired Duff in to the mission and its work in the Church. It was Doctor Ferrie of St Andrews who proposed Duff as the first missionary of the Church of Scotland in Calcutta. Duff felt at this time in 1829 ready to be sent to India. Before departing for India he was married to Anne Scott Drysdale (July1829) and ordained on the 12 August of that year. Next month Duff and his new wife boarded the Lady Holland at Leith for London and on route the trials started with a ship wreck off Cape Town with no loss of life. The continued later on the Moira which also had difficulties after a cyclone, which left them all having to wade, to shore through the undignified mud of India.

At a little over 24 and two narrow escapes not to mention the many dangerous escapes as a youth Duff was obviously being preserved to carry out the mission work. Duff, the educationalist went on to attract the attention of many including the governor of the East India company and indeed Gladstone. He was the founder of the University of Calcutta.


It is unfortunate that his efforts on education and mission have been neglected in the last 100 years. He had several travels back to Scotland and it is noted that in 1839 he raised the foreign giving for mission from £1200 to £ 7,538.
On one return to Scotland Duff found himself in the middle of the debate that would grow into the “Disruption”. In early 1843 he was still silent on how he would act in respect to his loyalty to the mission, Church and conscience. He in due time sided with the Free Church and was instrumental in raising the first endowment and to become the first professor of the Free Church College Edinburgh of Mission and Education.
In 1871 Lord Shaftesbury wrote to Duff asking if his name could be added to the list of vice-presidents of the Bible Society. Duff was highly honoured and accepted. His life had been a life of many seasons in Scotland in India, married and widowed early. He also advocated the mission work outside of Scotland.

It is unfortunate that Alexander Duffs contribution to the Church, abroad has not been greatly recognised. At his death the tributes showed what a godly man he was- Gladstone acknowledged his intelligence energy devotion and spirituality and likened him to William Carey.

Duff, Unfortunately his work... not greatly recognised.

Sunday 3 June 2018

Rest continued.. from Last week.

If you read Mark 6 30-32 There is a sense in the coming and going that Jesus was making rest a priority.

If you read Mark 2 13 He ( Jesus) is alone at the lake side before ...teaching
Mark 3;7 Jesus withdraws... with his disciples
Mark 4 35 ..leaves the crowd by getting into a boat
Mark 5 ; 21 crosses the lake to get to the other side ( for rest?)
and in 6 45,46 sends his disciples ahead dismisses the crowd and goes up the mountain to pray

Have a read and see where the peace is. have a good Sunday rest.

Sunday again.

Lionel Ritchie here in Perth today Sunday 3 June 2018.

Saturday 2 June 2018

Battle of Tibbermuir

3 minute clip about the battle. (sound improved)

Please subscribe to the u tube channel after you have watched the video.

Friday 1 June 2018

Ansthruther trip continues

We made it to Anstruther on a glorious day to the birth place

 We made it to the fish and chip shop- several times winner of the best in Scotland etc.
I was reminded of many years ago being involved in mission in Anstuther with the Church of Scotland. The local Baptist church helped. Here is a picture of their building. Near the sea.

Wednesday 30 May 2018

Kingsbarns harr

Recent walk in the East Neuk of Fife was spendid with good weather. Clear blue skies were broken ocasionally with harr and a cooling breeze. Solo poppy grows in the beach grasses.

Monday 28 May 2018

Ben Fogle Landrover

I enjoyed the Land Rover book by Ben Fogle.  It was a generally good insight into the world of this mysterious vehicle. As a Land Rover owner he was able to show the benefits and the challenges that it has brought over the years.

What to me, is amazing, is that Landrover today do not want to make a utility vehicle which I believe there is a demand for , but concentrate on selling high end vehicles from the high net worth customer.  

Sunday 27 May 2018

Sunday ...Rest... I said rest.

A recent sermon at church highlighted the need for us to observe the rest day.
Now different faiths and religions use different days Fridays Saturdays or Sundays but they all recognise the need for rest. There are many things could be done on the rest day reflect observe discuss all activities that we miss during the working week where we plan, account and act.

I recall the story of the Chinese wall builders where the team that worked 7 days with no rest did not perform as good as the group that worked 6 days and rested on the seventh.

There is a need for work and there is a need for rest.
May this day for you be a rest day.


What observations have I made about the last week?
Reflect on Gods goodness to you?
Discuss with someone the requirement to rest.

In next week where must I plan,act and be accountable.

You might like to read the book The Passionate Church by Breen and Kallestad.
There is a good section at the beginning about rest.

Saturday 26 May 2018

Practical worship on U tube

I came across this site some months ago and while I might not agree with everything I found the approach stable and re freshing.

Practical worship 

Friday 25 May 2018

Old Gallows Charlie...Battle of Tibbermore

Charlie, The one winged crow who has been around the Old Gallows Road, Perth for at lease 6 years.

Old Gallows Road before the tree trimming 2018. 

This road is the remains of the old Roman Road going south. It carries on out of Perth towards Crieff and passes close to the battle field of Tibbermore.  The details of the battle are here on Wikipedia.

Thursday 24 May 2018

Cap money

 The Money charity details a few posts back has highlighted things that most people do not know about. It is seldom mentioned in the news. This charity has been providing statistics and courses for many years. Give the website a visit. Link at the side of the blog for the hyperlink.

 So Also has CAP money the slightly newer Charity focusing on debt issues and helping people out of poverty.

Here is a link to Cap money

Wednesday 23 May 2018

Feed the Alpacas at Southton

Last night I had a good walk which, for part of it, was feeding the Alpacas at Southton. They appreciated the carrots. ( Dont tell)

Blue skies last weekend, Fake tour on 19 May and Praise night in June 2018

Last Saturday, 19 May 2018 ( Wedding day) South Inch, Perth Looking towards St Leonards in the fields.

On 22nd August 1860 4,000 people gathered to hear a message addressed by all Churches on the Inshes on the south side of Perth. Earlier that year in Buckie (12 Feb, 1860) 1,500 which is the half the population, attended the Free Church to hear James Turner. Some of the congregation went prostrate, there was an uproar and Turner abandoned the meeting. They adjourned to the United Presbyterian Church to continue. 

During one of these meetings two ministers came to investigate the work, they became very interested in the state of a young girl with regard to her posture and voice. Whilst bent down close to her, one of the ministers in acknowledgement to the other minister said “Sir, I must confess this is the work of God”. There are many stories like these of God moving people, including the very young, but somehow unless you are in a particular Church circle, one does not hear of those happenings, or of any today.

Tented area on the South Inch for Fake bands concerts in South Inch. 19 May 2018

Praise night in Perth Concert hall 16 June 2018