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Wednesday, 23 May 2018

Blue skies last weekend, Fake tour on 19 May and Praise night in June 2018

Last Saturday, 19 May 2018 ( Wedding day) South Inch, Perth Looking towards St Leonards in the fields.

On 22nd August 1860 4,000 people gathered to hear a message addressed by all Churches on the Inshes on the south side of Perth. Earlier that year in Buckie (12 Feb, 1860) 1,500 which is the half the population, attended the Free Church to hear James Turner. Some of the congregation went prostrate, there was an uproar and Turner abandoned the meeting. They adjourned to the United Presbyterian Church to continue. 

During one of these meetings two ministers came to investigate the work, they became very interested in the state of a young girl with regard to her posture and voice. Whilst bent down close to her, one of the ministers in acknowledgement to the other minister said “Sir, I must confess this is the work of God”. There are many stories like these of God moving people, including the very young, but somehow unless you are in a particular Church circle, one does not hear of those happenings, or of any today.

Tented area on the South Inch for Fake bands concerts in South Inch. 19 May 2018

Praise night in Perth Concert hall 16 June 2018

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