The nation's mission - “we have seen more co-operation between rival football fans!”.
Is the Churches' point lost, out of touch, or left in the dressing room of the nation.
Is the nation needing more a hop, step, and jump.
The playing field is ready, the crowd awaits ...... but we can't see a team in the dugout.
The time is now, and it is right, it is ripe, it is redress, it is revival.
It is time to be perfecting, it is time to be precise, it is time to be peacemaking of heart and soul of the Church in this nation, it is time to be passionate.
Making poverty history is a just cause! - losing a nation is as worthy.
The Scottish Church collective is a mixed bag of ineffectual rubble from “fallout” over many centuries. In this post-modernist era what happens now?
Is this Grand Canyon of gulf too big? Has the history of the Church in Scotland anything to teach us?
Will revival of the spiritual nation come from the North?
Historians can tell us what happened technically or conceptually, they may tell us about key characters who were influential down through the years but can they provide a key that will unlock the spiritual revival of Scotland and the UK.
There has been a silence for too long regarding the Church and its message! Of its witness there has been a silence for various reasons, there has been a silence regarding the hope to be secured. Now is the time to bury the hatchet, now is the time for factions to come together for a real cause, now is the time to facilitate prayerful revival.
Why has there been such a silence;
The message - of its repair and hope by so many?
The Church – collective, to bring the news of goodness to the country?
The individual – to gossip a story of their life - spiritual?
Intentionally or unintentionally there is surely "a conspiracy of silence" requiring redress. A silence stronger than the alleged Presbyterian coyness.
A silence stronger than the stubbornness of folded arms while the spiritual poverty worsens.
Totally agree! What we need is a people hungry to know his word and eager to grow in it. As the people desire to move forward they will looked to have a vision which is birthed in prayer.
Thanks for your feedback. I hope others will now join us as we discuss the future.
Yes big problem Ron.
But we are about to sort this.
I am hoping that we can raise the profile over the next few months.
It was interesting to Ron's comments from an outside perspective. Brian, having been away from the highlands for a couple of years - would notice any difference in the spiritual state of the highlands of Scotland?
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