This tree is near Golspie and it has an interesting root system. All knotted.
When I read blogs about the Church, Emergent, Emerging Church, baptists, theology, reformed, Charismatic etc I see knotted people.
Now I dont mean" get knotted!"( British derogatory remark)
I mean the roots of the past help to support. Be it twisted or not. Think...If you untwisted the roots of this tree...If you straightened them out if you made them tidy. The tree woiuld fall down its perched on the bank. The root system helps to give the stability.
People need to know you are what you ARE (present tense) - roots of your life digging deep and supporting you. So stand good with the roots you have and reach to the sky heavenward!
Its about "being".
The now is about growing upward to the heavenly place. What are you doing to accomodate the growth? Do not ignore the past it supports you but in the now, live for God and the future will be nurished.
Sorry Brian, don't think your analogy works - sure the tree needs its roots, but it's roots are part of its present - they are not bringing nourishment from the past to the tree in its "now".
When I worked as a hypnotherapist, I learned that most of people's problems in the present were due to an inability to free themselves from the past. Twisted roots certainly look pretty on trees, but in humans, and in our churches, they can be crippling.
"sure the tree needs its roots, but it's roots are part of its present - they"
But they were created in the past.
The past does have an effect on us!
What I an saying is dont ignore it.
All things work for good for...
Half the church is floundering because of past failure or sin.
Satan loves to knock you out for good.
Once forgiven ...Believe and receive then we move on not wallowing in the past. I think we are saying the same thing.
But I am not a Hypnotherapist.
A lot of present problems are denial of the past.
Anyway He is the vine we are just the branches we need the sustainance of the holy spirit through our veins I mean twigs!
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