Ross-shire was always a place of "self-builds" and that continues. The searching by incomers to buy up houses or crofts for the "Good life" living, second home, holiday home or to start a base for quiet living is stronger.

Is there a need for the enterprise company?
From an economic view generating the multiplier effect in a community does require a focal point or key business to hang on to services and the like. The enterprise companies have been helpful in many ways in assisting this growth. Despite the varying opinions of their worth and the re-evaluating of the Scottish Enterprise network, (all organisations need a review) there is still a need for localised channelling of resources to generate work income and wealth. How best this is carried out will be the ongoing debate.
Church enterprise company?
In a Church context how do we best channel our resources when there are so many Churches with a dozen or so worshipping together on Sundays, in different buildings in the same towns?
For so many I wonder if they know why they are part of a certain denomination, do they know why their Church believes what they do or why they take a certain stand on particular practice.

If we had a fresh plot to build a house how would we set out the plan, what might we want within the boundaries and in the house itself? Utility room, decking, en-suites, breakfast bar?
Likewise for a Church to work be it an old one or a new one what key things are required?
I am thankful that the discussions I have had lately indicate that many are reviewing through necessity- their plans or more accurately their operations! This can only be a good sign.
With no vision the people perish.
It would be difficult just to pull resources. This method encourages doubts, concerns and mistrust.
If a clear presentation of a worthwhile work is promoted the people might grasp the vision and say let's support this work.
If I ask for £100,000 for a work I will do in the future would you support it? No.
If I explain a need to you which can be met in part and needs £100,000 you would be more likely to say I will support this work.
What then is the vision for the Church in the village, the town, in Inverness, nay in the Highlands????
Tell me of your Churches' vision!
or if you have not got one!
(By vision I don't mean a paper that was written two years ago and no one works towards. I mean everyone knows what the Church is trying to do and to this end most people are working towards that aim).
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