Sir William Sinclair
Sir William Sinclair, a landowner in Caithness spend some time in London before returning to Kiess in 1750.
By that time he was convinced of their truth of believers baptism and set up a Baptist Church primarily made up of his own personal workforce."The preaching knight" was seen with some suspicion on account of his faith and practice.
Sir John Sinclair's first Statistical account of Scotland 1791-99 Indicates a group of about half a dozen ana-Baptists on the estate of Keiss the remaining disciples of The late Sir William Sinclair. In 1793 Dr John Morison in Canisbay parish said "there is an established church presence almost all attend except for a few AnabaptistsÂ. This pocket witness survived the years and they are still several fellowships of Baptists in Caithness as opposed to Sutherland where there is no established Baptist witness.
With there 3/4 baptist Churches with one of them being a newer work - Has there been any other baptist churches/plants in this area that either havent taken off or no longer in existence?
If you mean Caithness then there is Keiss of course the mother, Wick well established ( I think they got the benefit of strong evangelicals at some point who left the establishment.)
Scarfskerry has a history of lay preachers and another "glasite" aspect - only ther pastor will administer the communion.
Thurso has had two attempts one goes back to the aftermath of Haldanes who made it to Orkney. The more recent Thurso Church was constituted in the 80's. I think there were Quasi baptist in Castletown off and on. But not affiliated to the Scttish BU. I am not sure about Cannisbay.
Freswick was preaching station and Stroma is now closed.
Bearing in mind the Caithness population has almost halved the baptist are holding their own so to speak.
So Caithness
and Wick.
I have some for the blog...so will move to a new comment thanks phil
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