I see from the Exodus 35 30 - 36 7 reading we are called to be creative.
The first person mentioned in the bible as filled....with the Spirit of God is Bezalel ....an artist.
God enabled him to make the place of worship a vibrant, attractive celebration of creativity. Bezalel is appointed to teach others so that more creations can be created amongst his people including everyone who is willing to take part.
When new things are happening and many are taking to be personally involved, it creates a surge of enthusiasm and commitment.
look here ! it is expressed in an offering that most churches treasurers could only dream of:
Its so big that the people are asked to stop giving.
The generosity is from freewill. Out of the joy at what God is doing.
In an area that does not encourage creative things be it art thinking or building help me to work and to help the worship and mission of the church and in the community!
More prayers at Visionbyprayer
I acknowledge Martin Hodson's prompt this morning from S.U. Closer to God.
Creativity has been something I have preached on over time, and whilst I think we are called to be creative, I think it goes deeper.
If we are indwelt by the Spirit (we are), and that Spirit is God (He is) and that God is the Creator (He is), then being creative is who we are.
For disciples/believers/churches not to be creative is a denial of the Spirit at work in us.
Good post, glad you posted this...Ps it was good to meet Harry last week and he and Pray for Scotland are behind the Solemn Assembly, thanks for the contact.
We dont normally connect being filled with Holy Spirit and creative but it is right here in Exodus.
The Book of Exodus is such an awesome book - keep on being led back there! At the start of the book we see how the israelites were being fruitful and multiplying in number and then slavery & opression is introduced. But regardless of this difficulty God goes before them in the journey. As we move through the various difficulties we see a God who is at work. As we seek to go on this journey we will come across difficulties but praise God even in them he is at work.
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