Lovely lobster creels at Helmsdale.
Now then how do we fish for men?
Is it to their intellect, is it to show their strength/weakness. Is to show a leader worth following. Do we appeal to something.
"I will make you fishers of men" said Jesus. What was that method and process. Can it be carried out today in this culture. Is the same basis still there?
Is there anyone still fishing?
How do you fish?
What bait are you using?
Which fish do you like to fish?
Have you caught anything lately?
1 comment:
Jesus uses these words after telling them to cast where and when they do not expect, but cast none the less. To the strong Paul became weak, becoming foolish...but to answer your questions from a personal stand.
Is there anyone still fishing?
Yes, always
How do you fish?
I cast not knowing what I will catch
What bait are you using?
The gospel of the Kingdom
Which fish do you like to fish?
Those who are spritually aware but do not know Jesus
Have you caught anything lately?
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